41. Onward Toward the Future

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New Domino City... It had been rebuilt after an accident the had been the result of the very first Ener-D Reactor going haywire, losing control and going in reverse. This resulted in Domino City being torn apart, and the small section that had broken off would later be named "the Satellite Sector," and those unfortunate enough found themselves there. Later, the incident that tore Domino City apart, requiring it to have been rebuilt from the ground up, would be known as "Zero Reverse." Among all the wreckage, however, two souls made it out alive, and their names...were Yusei Fudo, and Railynn Yushima. Yusei's father was a research professor that had been studying dueling energy before it was sent in reverse, destroying both the reactor and the city along with it, whereas Rai's mother was the creator of Duel Runners, resulting in the rise of turbo dueling. Among the carnage that came from Satellite, Rai and Yusei found one another, and along the way, became very close friends with Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan. Together, these four dueled together in an old Duel Gang to try and protect the Satellite. However, when Rai had been kidnapped by a mysterious man, going by the name of Sayer, he took an interest in, not only Rai's psychic powers, but her ability to connect with the Spirit World. And so, she was taken away from those she cared about, used as nothing more than a test subject and a means for reaching the Spirit World. Her memories had been sealed away, and her powers were dampened... But, there was one way she was able to break free from this sinister man, and it was all because of Yusei. When Rai had regained her memories, not only was she reunited with old friends, but she was also thrust head-first into a dangerous battle between Signers and Dark Signers. In the end, Rai, along with her close friend, Crow, both turned out to be Signers, alongside Jack, Akiza, Luna, and Yusei. It was here that everyone fought bravely to, not only defeat these Dark Signers, whom had been wronged themselves, but to protect the entire world from total destruction. It was because of the bonds that Yusei had with those around him that he was able to overcome this terrible fate, and along the way, finally reunited New Domino City and the Satellite Sector with the infamous Daedalus Bridge, and it's here where the rest of our story takes place...


Turbo dueling -- a very popular sport that had become widly known by everyone once the rise of Duel Runners had become known. And among the city lie special dueling lanes that are designated specifically for this event, where turbo duelist may ride along designated paths set for them to have fun as they duel. Among all the bustling of the city drivers, there seemed to be a duel going on between two turbo duelist. The first was a handsome male with tanned skin and unkempt her black hair trimmed with golden streaks. His eyes were as blue as the ocean itself, and just underneath his left eye was that of a Facitly brand mark, used for those who had been sent to prison, though laws due vary. As for the other turbo duelist, it was a beautiful woman with long crimson red hair trimmed with a deep black that flowed behind her. Her eyes were as green as an emerald jewel, and just underneath her left eye also laid a Facility brand mark, but hers had been there for much longer than the male's. It was here that these two turbo duelist were none other...than Yusei Fudo and Rai Yushima, who were currently in the middle of a turbo duel. Why were they dueling, you may be wondering? Well, the answer is white simple: Yes, it's true that most people turbo duel for fun, and sometimes for sanctioned events, but in this particular case, these two were dueling for another reason entirely. Back when Rai and Yusei lived in the Satellite and were apart of a Duel Gang, whenever they weren't clearing out other gangs, they would be dueling each other, keeping their skills up to par. One thing that always stayed consistent, however, was the fact that Yusei was never able to win one match against Rai. No matter what Yusei did, Rai always had a counter for it, and that's why they were dueling -- they wanted to see just how much they've both improved, and to see who would win against the other...

[Yusei: 2600]
[Rai: 2800]

As of current, Rai was just barely in the lead of this duel. Yusei was trailing behind her as he had Junk Warrior out of his field, but Rai had the edge because she had her beloved Starlight Angel Dragon out on her field. As the two were riding along one of the dueling paths, Rai couldn't help but grin as she glanced behind herself a bit back at the raven, who had a small smirk of his own.

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