34. Shadows of Doubt

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"Alright, so the first order of business is that we need to try and find out where Jack and Akiza are." Yusei began.

"Okay, so how do you want us to go about looking for them?" Crow asked.

"We should probably all split up, checking the remaining two towers for any sort of clues as to where they might be." Yusei suggested.

"I'll go see if I can try to find Jack." Rai said.

Yusei, even though he was a bit wary, gave a small nod. "Alright, but on one condition am I going to allow this."

"Um, okay?" Rai gestured for him to continue.

"Crow is going with you." Yusei then said.

She glanced over to Crow before back at Yusei, sighing softly. "Alright, if you say so." She merely agreed.

"Officer Trudge, you and the twins will be with me so that we can try to find Akiza." Yusei said, the three of them all nodding.

"Alright, now that we know who we're with, let's get going. If any of you run into trouble, meet back at my place." Crow said, everyone nodding.

"Come on, let's get going." Rai motioned. "And, Yusei?"

"Yeah?" He perked up.

Rai grinned as she lowered her visor. "I'll see you soon, handsome." She winked before both her and Crow sped off.

Once Rai was gone, Yusei couldn't help but smirk a bit. "Even at a time like this, she still finds the strength to joke around... Heh... Well then, I'll see you soon too, Rai." Yusei said aloud before he sped off with Trudge and the twins following behind him.


"Ugh...!" Rai gasped softly, instantly perking up as she glanced down at her forearm.

"Something up, Rai?" Crow asked.

"Maybe... My mark isn't glowing, but this sudden throbbing feels like it's trying to warn me of something." She replied. "We must be close to a Dark Signer... Come on, let's go check it out."

Crow nodded as the two increased their speed a bit, perking up when they could see one of the towers finally coming into view, and it was just over a nearby cliffside. When the two stopped at the very edge of the cliff, Rai glanced down at her arm again, and though it still wasn't glowing, she could definitely feel that throbbing pain steadily making itself more known to her. "Yeah, this is the place... There's a Dark Signer here, I can feel it..."

"Then let's head down there and see what's up." Crow suggested, Rai nodding in agreement.

After revving their engines and heading down the cliff, they slowly approached the tower, stopping when they were practically on top of it. Rai glanced up at the tower before scanning her surroundings, though given where the two of them were, there didn't seem to be a single soul in sight, Rai frowning as she raised the visor on her helmet. "I know that there's a Dark Signer here, so you might as well show yourself now!" Rai called, but there was no response, causing her to frown again. She got ready to call out again for whoever was there, until--


"Ugh!" The two gasped when the sudden rev of an engine caught their attention, only for a deep scarlet red Duel Runner to finally emerge from behind the tower, heading straight for Rai and Crow.

Just before the rider could collide with the two teens, they had jerked on the handlebars to leap over them instead, landing on the other side as they whipped around and drove so that they could face the two again. When the rider had finally come to a halt and placed their foot on the ground, it was pretty clear that the rider was obviously a woman, based on the short mini skirt and exposed midsection she was showing. And it only further proved that this was a woman when they lifted their hands, removing their helmets to finally show their face, but it was Rai who gasped a bit at who it was standing before her on that scarlet runner.

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