02. Fortune Cup Mishap

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When the car finally came to a stop, everyone climbed out, Rai stretching her arms and rolling her shoulders to ease the stiffness in her body from being squished in the back seat. However, once she was finished loosening her body up, Okita turned to the redhead. "Rai, could you maybe go up north and see if you can find us a way inside?"

"Uh, sure. Be right back." She replied, turning and heading in the opposite direction.

Rai began to walk off, heading for the front entrance, but after passing through the doorway, she paused, noticing a guard standing right in front of the gate. This seemed to be the only way inside, and this guard was blocking their only means of entry, which meant this path was out of the question as Rai frowned. Hmm... Looks like this way is out. Besides, I doubt that guard would let me inside even if he wanted to, and considering my choice in attire, that doesn't exactly help my case either. We'll just have to find another way inside... Rai thought to herself as she turned, heading back in the direction she came from. When the redhead got back, however, the boys were nowhere to be seen, causing her to sigh. Great... Now where did those two run off to? She began to walk around the area in search for them, though she found nothing. I swear, I turn my back on those two for maybe five minutes and I've already lost them. Fantastic... And if I get caught because of this, it's going to be on their necks.

"Rai!" A voice suddenly called out to her.

"Hm?" She turned in the direction of the voice that was calling. "Liquid?"

"Come over here!" He motioned.

"Uh, okay?" Rai simply obeyed as she approached Liquid. "Alright, so can you guys, like, not ditch me again? If I get caught, then Sayer will--"

"You can lecture me later." Liquid quickly cut her off. "Come look, Okita and I found a way inside!"

"You know, you could've just started with that..." Rai sighed.

"Just, come on!" Liquid then grabbed Rai by the wrist and practically dragged her along to meet back up with Okita.

Once there, Okita turned to see the two approaching him. "Ah, there you both are!" He grinned. "Here, come see what I have found. It's a small entryway."

Rai leaned over a bit. "Oh, I see."

"Yeah, but it's way too small for us to fit through." Said Liquid.

The redhead paused. "Oh, don't tell me..." She stood up straight, turning to face them as she folded her arms. "Just what are you two planning?"

"We were wondering if you might help us out?" Okita suggested.

Rai raised an eyebrow. "Meaning?"

"We basically wanna shove you through that opening to get inside, then once you're in, we'll try to find another way in so we can join up with you later." Liquid explained bluntly.

"Well, in a nutshell, that was the plan, yes." Okita added.

Rai just sighed. Oh my freaking God...

"Come on, just a little more!" Liquid encouraged.

"You know, I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and hard place over here, far too literally, mind you." Rai griped.

Ugh... My chest wouldn't even fit through, and now my hips are stuck? Just great...

"Just a little...more! Oof!"

"Whah!? Urgh!" Rai suddenly gasped when the two boys managed to get her through the opening with one last good shove, the redhead landing face first onto the floor. She pushed herself off the ground, shaking her head a bit before glancing back at the two.

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