35. The Cold Sting of Loss

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Tons of kids were in the park of New Domino City, dueling one another on the playgrounds. After one of the boys had beaten another of the kids, there was a young girl who was snapping photos, grinning happily. "Wow, what a scoop!" She smiled. "That's your third win in a row!"

The boy smiled as he held a hand up in the shape of a peace sign toward the girl, who turned out to be a young Carly, probably no older than the age of maybe seven or eight years old. "Hey, all in a day's work!" The boy grinned.

"How about one more shot, okay?" Carly smiled as she held up her camera.

"But I'm the photogenic one!" The other boy whined as Carly brought up all of her photos from her camera.

"Yeah, you look great, getting your butt kicked!" The other boy teased.

"I don't get it, Carly..." A girl commented while skimming through her photos. "I mean, you're always taking pictures of other people. What do you get out of it?"

"Oh, uh, well...I guess I really never thought about it." She waved her hand. "I guess if someone does something cool, I'd like to share it with the rest of the world."

"Yeah, but why though?" The girl asked. "The world's a big place, so what difference could a couple of pictures really make?"

"Well, it's not just pictures..." Carly said as she folded her arms behind her head, laying back on the blanket in the grass so that she could gaze up at the sky. "It's more about trying to be a good person too, and I think that's what makes all the difference, 'cause if you reach at least one person, you can reach them all..." She smiled innocently.


"Crow, do you read me?" Rai asked as she tapped on the side of her helmet.

"Yeah, I read you, Rai. What's the situation down there?" Crow asked through the com in their helmets.

"Jack's okay, or at least, as "okay" as he can be. He's pretty banged up, but Jack's determined to see this duel through. I'm going to tag along from behind them and try not to interfere, especially since I don't think there's any way for me to get out of this barrier now that I'm in it." Rai replied.

"Alright. I'll keep my eyes on the duel from up here, but you just watch your head down there, ya got it? I don't need Yusei ripping my head off because you were reckless and got hurt, again." He warned.

"Yeah, I know." Rai acknowledged before disconnecting.

Jack, I know where your heart lies... Honestly, I feel like such a fool for doubting you, but in the end...I know you'll pull through in this duel. It's going to be hard though, I just hope you're prepared for that... Rai thought to herself before revving her engine, trying to catch back up to Jack.

Meanwhile, the duel between Jack and Carly was continuing, but Jack just couldn't stop this burning desire that resonated in his chest as he clutched onto Carly's broken glasses, his eyes softening. "I know that the real Carly is still in there, the innocent girl who wants to make the world a better place, and I'm going to get here back!"

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