30. Rise of the Heavenly Dragon

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"Ugh...! Yusei, look! Up there!" Crow pointed.

Yusei quickly lifted his gaze, and immediately, he felt his heart drop into his stomach when he saw that familiar crest making itself known up in the night sky. He couldn't help but swallow the lump in his throat, letting out a shaky breath before he managed to finally form words. "We...we have to hurry."

"Then let's step on it!" Crow said as him and Yusei both stepped on the gas, kicking it into overdrive to try and get there as fast as they possibly could.

Rai... I know you're strong, I don't have a doubt about that, but even so...these Dark Signers are a dangerous game to be playing around with. It's not that I don't trust you to fight on your own, it's just...I don't want anything bad to happen to you by doing this -- using your powers at full throttle like this, I know just how dangerous they can be. Just please be alright, Rai, just until I can get to you... Hold on a little bit longer, for me... Yusei silently prayed to himself.

Meanwhile though, as her duel continued with Kalin, Rai couldn't help but begin to pant a bit. She reached up and clutched onto her chest, the redhead closing her eyes for a brief moment as a drop of sweat slid down her temple. Oh no... With my powers on full blast like this, it's taking everything I have just to try and keep up with Kalin. She noted, swallowing hard. My head is starting to spin, and I'm beginning to feel a little lightheaded, but... Rai quickly shook her head to try and clear her vision that had just begun to blur. ...I can't stop, not until I can win this duel and return Kalin to normal. It's...the only way. Come on, Rai, just hold on a little bit...longer.

Kalin suddenly chuckled. "You're looking a bit winded over there, Rai. Don't tell me you're already out of breath when we've only just begun!"

Rai scoffed a bit, clutching onto her handlebars tightly. "I'm fine! Just make your move already!"

"Heh heh, fine! I think I'll just have my Infernity Archfiend attack your Reverse Ang--uwah!? Hey, what happened to my monster's Attack Points, where'd they go?!" Kalin whined.

[Infernity Archfiend: 1800 --> 800]

"The moment you destroyed my Guardian Azorath was the moment you triggered its Special Ability!" Rai replied. "Once he was destroyed, I can target one monster on your field, and for the remainder of the turn, the monster I chose loses 1000 Attack Points, but by all means, you're more than welcome to send your monster to its own grave." She taunted.

"Urgh, fine! I end my turn!" Kalin growled.

"Then it's my turn!" Rai said as she drew a card. "And I summon out Seraph Knight in Attack Mode!"

[LV 3 / ATK 1400 / DEF 500][Light](Tuner)

"And now, I'll tune my Seraph Knight with my Angel Cherub in order to Synchro Summon...my Saint Raziel!" Rai said as her monsters fused together, forming a bright orb of light. Moments later though, that orb of light was slashed right in half, bursting into glass shards as her monster revealed itself.

[LV 5 / ATK 2300 / DEF 1300][Light]

"Next, I'll activate my Trap Card, Celestial Striker Unit, and with this, I can now increase Saint Raziel's Attack Points by 1000!" Rai said as a device appeared around her monster's waist, followed by a large railgun-looking device.

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