42. Together As One

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-Content Warning Ahead-

Disclaimer: The following chapter contains matures content, so for those uncomfortable with this sort of thing or are underage, please back out of this chapter. For those brave enough or willing to continue, read at your own discretion. It may be pretty vanilla, but I'm obligated to give a warning anyhow. Without any further delay though, please enjoy the final chapter of "Reverse of Arcadia."


-A Few Months Later-

Rai was by herself in the garage she shared with Yusei, Jack, and Crow, the four now all living in the city together. After Daedalus Bridge had debuted, folks from the Satellite were allowed to travel back and forth to New Domino City, and ever since the bridge had been built, the four friends all decided they would live in the city together. As Rai was sat in the garage on her own though, she was fiddling around with a new engine she had picked up, trying to make some improvements of her own. She had been sat there, going back and forth between different tools, trying out various parts, and testing their performance to see if there were any changes. While Rai was so focused on her work though, she hadn't even noticed when someone had entered the garage. The person who had entered smirked to themselves when they saw the unsuspecting Rai working and decided to creep up behind her. However, rather than try to startle the redhead, instead, they held their hands up. Rai perked up when everything around her suddenly went dark, the person behind her having put their hands over her eyes so she couldn't see.

"Guess who~" The person behind her sang.

Rai smirked, knowing exactly who was behind her, but rather than say who it was, she figured she'd play around a bit. "Hmm... Let me think here... It's not Akiza, and it's definitely not the twins either, because these hands are way too big to be either of them." Rai pretended to think, the person behind her chuckling. "Let's see... Is it...Crow?"

The person behind Rai chuckled again. "No, guess again."

"Hmmm... Okay then, how about...Jack? It's gotta be Jack, right?"

"Nope, wrong again. Come on, Rai, you know who it is."

Rai chuckled. "Yeah, I know. The only person who it could be, is obviously you, Yusei." She said before her eyes were uncovered, getting to her feet so that she could turn and face the raven.

"How's it going in here?" Yusei asked.

"Fine. I've just been messing around with this new engine you guys brought in. Some of the parts I've tested do seem to enhance its performance a bit, but I'd have to run some more tests to know for sure."

Yusei chuckled. "Well, at least that's some progress, right?"

Rai nodded. "Yeah. Oh, and is there any new info on the WRGP?" She asked.

"Nothing yet. The most I've discovered is that you have to make a team of three people maximum, two at bare minimum. But aside from that, I haven't found out anything else." Yusei replied.

Rai shrugged a bit. "Well, I'm sure we'll gain some new info as time rolls by, so I'm not too concerned. And besides, everyone already knows that you boys are gonna be representing us in the tournament."

"I know, but I just feel kinda bad that you can't enter because of the team limit." Yusei rubbed the back of his neck.

Rai chuckled softly, grinning. "Yusei, entering the tournament doesn't really matter to me. Yeah, it would've been nice to enter with you guys, but I'm happy just making all the improvements to your Duel Runners instead. I'm just fine with being your mechanic, you know that already." Rai reassured. "Besides, it was my mother who invented Duel Runners, so I want to live up to her reputation by giving you guys the best possible performance."

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