10. Turn For the Worse

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-A Few Days Later-
2:38 AM

"Rai! Rai, wake up!" Annie suddenly came barreling into her room, violently shaking the redhead awake. "Come on, Rai, wake up, wake up!" She called, shaking her harder.

"Ugh..." Rai groaned. "Seriously, Annie? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Please, Rai! It's really serious this time!" Annie pleaded.

Rai groaned again. "Alright, alright, I'm up, now could you please stop shouting?" She said in a groggy voice, pushing herself to sit up.

"Rai, you have to come quick! Something bad's happened!" Annie then said.

"What? What do you mean something bad has happened? Annie, what's going on?" Rai asked, rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes.

"It's Kalin! He attacked Security Headquarters!"

"What!?" Rai exclaimed, now completely wide awake. "I mean, how!? You would have be inside in order to do something like that!"

"I think he was messing with some Duel Disks that were being taken away and they just exploded inside of the building!"

"Ugh! Damn it, Kalin!" The redhead threw the blanket from her body and pounced to her feet, quickly dressing herself in her Enforcers' outfit. "Annie, where is Kalin now?"

"I don't know, I just came here to tell you what had happened as fast I could."

Rai growled. Damn it, Kalin! You just had to go off the deep end all because you weren't satisfied, because you wanted more, didn't you?! Damn it all to hell!

"Annie, go get Crow now and tell him what happened. Tell him to get Jack too and I'll go find Yusei." Rai instructed.

Annie gave a nod. "Okay!" She then took off, Rai doing the same as she went to search for Yusei.

However, just as Rai began her search, it had started to pour down on her, and at nighttime in the Satellite, it was practically impossible to see. Still though, Rai persevered because she had to find Yusei. She ran through the Satellite, searching everywhere, but Yusei was nowhere to be seen in the B.A.D. Area. The only place left to look was the northern slums, and so that was where Rai was heading. She had to find him, Yusei would know what to do, hopefully...

Come on, Yusei, where are you? Rai wondered, now starting to become concerned. He's gotta be here somewhere, but in this weather and at this time of night, it's virtually impossible to fin--

"Aah!" Rai gasped when she bumped into someone, and with the wet ground, she slipped in a puddle and fell flat on her ass. "Ugh... Well, that hurt..." She groaned.


"Huh?" She lifted her gaze, and through the rain and darkness of night, she saw the raven himself, a concerned look on his face. "Yusei! I found you!"

"Uh, yeah. Is something the matter?" He asked, helping the redhead back on her feet.

"Yusei, it's bad." Rai started. "It's Kalin, he's really gone off the deep end this time."

"What do you mean?"

"That dumbass managed to somehow rig a couple of the confiscated Duel Disks and set off an explosion inside of Sector Security Headquarters!" She explained.

"What!? Is he insane!?" Yusei exclaimed, only to growl. "Damn it... I knew I shouldn't have left him alone..." He muttered under his breath.

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