06. Blast From the Past

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Rai's eyes slowly slid open, pushing herself to sit up. After rubbing her head a bit, Rai scanned her surroundings, only to be very confused. What the...? Where am I? She swung her legs over, her feet touching to floor as she placed her hands against the rickety bed she was sat on, pressing against it. This bed is terrible quality, but...it almost feels natural to me. And this room... It's small and clearly worn down, and yet, it feels normal, like I'm used to it; it feels like home... Rai got up from the bed, stretching her arms, until her eyes trailed downwards, realizing her outfit was different.

"What the...? This outfit, it's..."

Rai took note of her clothes, having been dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans; a brown belt; black boots; a royal blue, low-cut tank top; light brown vest that stopped a bit past her chest area; small black belts strapped around her upper arms; and dark brown, fingerless gloves. She examined her choice in attire, a bit confused as to why she looked like she belonged in some kind of gang or something, until someone entered the small shack she had been sleeping in, dressed in a similar outfit to hers.

"Hey, ya finally awake? You've been sleeping forever, ya know." The male with bright orange hair and steel grey eyes said, a dark green band with two silver rings on the right side around his forehead. "Man, those security guys really get on my nerves! They just hate us duel gangs so much."

Rai just stared at the orange haired male, confused.

"What's with that confused look on your face? Don't tell me you don't remember one of your best pals! I'm Crow "the Bullet" Hogan! 'Member?!"

She stared at the male claiming to call himself Crow, but her confused look disappeared. "Right, right, sorry. I'm just a bit out of it right now."

This is weird... Am I inside of my own memories?

"Are you feelin' okay? Do you even know where we are right now?"

"Uhh, the Satellite, right?" Rai replied, though sounding unsure of herself.

"Well, yeah, but this is the depths of Satellite known as the Barbaric Area after Damage, or B.A.D. Area for short."

"Yeah, right, I knew that."

"Okay, now you're lookin' normal again, but let's see if you're really okay with a duel!"

"Oh, no, Crow, that really isn't necessary. I'm fine, seriously." Rai waved her hands.

"Come on, it'll be great! Besides, no harm in sharpening your dueling skills."

Rai sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Hold on, let me just..." She paused. "Hang on... It's not here. My deck is missing."

"Huh!? What!? Well, where'd it go!?" Crow then remembered something. "Oh yeah, that's right, security took it from you yesterday..."

Rai frowned. "Man, and I need that too."

"No problem, you can just my spare deck!" Crow reached for his deck holder, only to find one of them empty. "Ugh! Aw, man! Security confiscated everything but my main deck!"

"Great..." Rai sighed.

"Well, guess that leaves only one other option: Let's go sneak into the securities' storage facility and get our cards back! Deal?"

Rai smirked. "Man, you never stop causing trouble, do ya?"

"Tch! Coming from the one who causes just as much trouble as me! I mean, look at ya! You got a marker same as me, ya know!"

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