07. The Battle Begins

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After Rai had her go around the old highway, she returned back to Yusei, parking the machine before climbing off and removing her helmet, shaking her head a bit. After stuffing the helmet under the seat, she turned to Yusei, making her way over to him. "I gotta say, you do some fine work, Yusei." Rai complimented.

"I'm glad you like it." He grinned.

"You know I love all the work you do." The redhead replied, leaning toward him.

"Alright, alright, no need to get all lovey dovey, we have work to do." A voice cut in.

The two gasped, quickly taking a few steps away from each other as they both blushed slightly. When they turned to see the source of the voice, however, both were a bit surprised to see their leader himself, Kalin Kessler. "Kalin?" Both asked in unison.

"So are you two ever gonna just admit you like each other or what?" Kalin smirked.

Both gasped, sharing a quick glance with one another. "Exactly how long have you...known?" Rai then asked a bit hesitantly.

"Eh, about a week now. You guys kinda made it a little obvious after our last turf battle." He explained.

"Oh..." The two replied begrudgingly.

"Speaking of, I've decided that our next turf battle is gonna be tomorrow against Team Black 'n' Blue!"

"Tomorrow?" Yusei questioned.

"Do you object?"

"No, just a little surprised you waited so long, that's all." Yusei cracked a quick smirk.

Kalin just chuckled. "Well, I've been doing some research, unlike you two love birds over here."

"We're not love birds!" The two exclaimed in unison.

"Yeah, sure, keep tellin' yourselves that." He waved them off. "Anyway, meet at Team Black 'n' Blue's hideout at two o'clock, and try not to be late." Kalin emphasized.

The two just rolled their eyes. "Yeah, whatever, we'll be there." Rai replied coldly, folding her arms.

Kalin chuckled again. "Come on, Rai-Rai, don't be so bitter! I'm only havin' a little fun, lighten up why don't ya?" He teased. "Anyway, I'll leave you two be now, and the turf battle is tomorrow afternoon, so let's take another duel gang down!" And with that, Kalin turned and walked off.

Once gone though, both Rai and Yusei let out a sigh. "Geez, he didn't have to sneak up on us like that..." Said Rai.

"Yeah, but I should've known Kalin would be the first to find out if the other two don't already know." Yusei replied.

"You know, I really wouldn't be surprised at this point..."

"I don't think I would either..."

"Well, in any case, we should hide this bad boy before security stumbles upon us." Rai suggested.

"Right. Here, let's hide it behind this building in the corner." Yusei pointed, Rai giving a nod.

"Good idea."

After the two hid the Duel Runner, moving a bunch of boxes and whatnot in front of it to better hide the machine, both let out a sigh. "Well, now that that's taken care of, we should head back." Said Yusei.

"Yeah, I've gotta make sure my deck is in top condition for tomorrow, because we can't go losing a match if we're gonna get rid of all these duel gangs."

Yusei nodded. "Yeah, same here. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Rai nodded. "Yeah, see ya." She leaned in, giving Yusei a quick peck on the cheek before heading off, waving back at him. "Stay outta trouble!"

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