13. Reunited At Last

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"I won't let you control me anymore. I'm getting my life back!" Rai held her arm up, waving her hand toward the door, which caused it to unlock. When the lock was deactivated, Rai approached the door as it slid open, exiting the room. "Now then, to find Luna..." She said aloud. "She's gotta be down this way." Rai said as she head toward the right corridor.

Don't worry, Luna, I'll get you out of here. I won't let them do to you what was done to me, I promise... And then, I'll make things right with him again...

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Ugh!?" Rai gasped when she heard loud banging on a door she was passing by. "What the...?"

"H-hey, you there! How did you unlock the door and break out?" A voice called from behind the door. "You were in the room next to me, right? I just heard your door open, so please, would you mind letting me out too?"

Rai sighed. Might as well...

She held her arm up and waved her hand again, unlocking the door. Moments later, it slid open as someone exited the room, revealing it to be that girl, Carly, Rai having met her back at the Fortune Cup. "Thanks! I owe ya one!" Carly thanked. "Hang on... Haven't I met you before?"

Rai got ready to reply when Carly snapped her fingers.

"I got it! You were at the Fortune Cup! But...why on earth was an Arcadia member thrown into a cell block?" She then questioned. "I smell a scoop! Time for some fact-hunting! Err, well, that's what I would say, but I think it's probably better if I get out of here while I still have the chance. Oh, and thanks again for the save, but I'd better run before I'm caught again! See ya!" And with that, Carly took off.

Wish I could leave too, but I still have someone else to rescue before I can do that. I've gotta hurry and find Luna before I'm spotted as well, especially by him... Rai thought to herself, taking off down the hall again.

"Luna! Hey, if you can hear me, say something! It's me, Rai! I'm here to rescue you! Luna!" Rai called.

She ran through the hallway, calling out for Luna as she did so, but found no answer. Was Luna even on this floor, she wondered? Rai was beginning to give up hope, thinking that Luna might not be on this floor, when suddenly--

"Rai? Hey, is that you out there?" A voice called from behind a nearby door.

Rai perked up, quickly approaching the door as she pressed her hand against it. "Luna? That's you, right?"

"Yeah! I'm behind this door, but it's locked and I can't seem to open it."

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of there!" Rai then took a few steps back before raising her arm again. After waving her hand a bit, she snapped her fingers, the door suddenly unlocking as Luna ran out of the room, only to throw her arms around the redhead.

"Rai! Oh, thank you so much for saving me again! I can't thank you enough!"

Rai smiled, placing her hand on Luna's head. "I told you that I would get you out of here, and I meant it."

Luna drew back, gazing up at Rai. "Um, I know this is kinda sudden, but I came here with my brother too. I think they assumed he could connect to the Spirit World too and locked him up as well, so he should be at the end of this hall. Would you mind helping me get him out of here too?"

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