12. The Roaring Lion

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"Are you sure this plan is gonna work?" Torunka asked worriedly as the two were heading for the castle where Luna was being held captive.

"No, but it's the best I've got right now. I'll just have to use this staff, since I think my powers work differently in this world, don't they?" Rai asked.

"You have powers?"

"I have psychic powers, but they're uncontrollable whenever I lose sight of my emotions or if I'm not wearing a special device that can contain them. From what I've noticed, the necklace someone gave to me isn't around my neck, so I don't want to risk using them, unless they don't work when I'm here to begin with anyway."

"I'm not sure if your powers would have any effect in this world, so we'll just have to rely on the minus staff for now."

"Well, it's not like I'm objecting... I just hope the positive energy from this thing can cancel out their negative energy." Rai said, switching one of the pointers to a vertical position in order to create a plus symbol on the staff.

I really hope this works... Rai silently prayed.

When the two rounded a corner, they saw a monkey standing guard in front of the large double doors. However, upon noticing the two fast approaching, he exclaimed. "Stop right there!" The monkey screeched.

"How about no!" Rai countered as she held the staff up. "Sit down and go to sleep!" She said, the staff firing off a blast before the monkey had time to react.

After firing off a blast from the staff, it hit the monkey head on, sending him flying into the doors and knocking the animal out cold. With the monkey out of the way, the two ran up to the doors, pushing against them as hard as they could, but they just wouldn't budge. The doors were clearly much heavier than anticipated, so just pushing against them wasn't doing them much good, especially since Rai was doing most of the pushing because she was stronger, or at least physically she was. When the two realized that just pushing against the heavy doors wouldn't get them anywhere, both sighed. "Man, these doors are heavy!" Torunka exasperated.

"Tell me about it..." Rai agreed. "Fine then, we'll do it the way I was hoping to avoid."

I know I shouldn't try to use my powers in this world, but I don't wanna use up all the magic in the staff that I have, especially since Torunka said that everyone's magic has been significantly weakened since Zeman has come into this world... Rai clenched her fist for a moment before putting on a determined face. I have to try, no matter what happens to me!

"Torunka, stand back, I'm gonna try something." Rai then said.

"Uh, okay?" He sheepishly agreed, standing behind the redhead.

Once Torunka was out of harms way, Rai held her hand up, closing her eyes for a moment. She drew in a breath, slowly releasing it to calm her heart rate. When Rai opened her eyes again, she called out something. "Open!" She shouted, swinging her arm outward as a huge gust of wind appeared. When the gust of wind hit the doors, they were immediately flung open, Torunka gasping.

"Whoa!" He gasped. "You didn't tell me you had that much power!"

"You never asked." Rai replied. "Now come on, we have to hurry and find Luna."

Torunka nodded. "Yeah, let's go!" He said in agreement, the two hurrying inside.

Once the two were inside the castle, they scanned around the area, but the bottom floor seemed to be void of anyone, which seemed a bit odd. "It doesn't look like anyone is down here... Come on, let's head up the stairs and see if Luna is locked away somewhere on the second floor." Rai suggested.

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