04. Training Gone Wrong

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"Nnn...!" Rai twitched as her eyes slowly slid open, blinking a few times to clear her vision only to find herself staring up at the ceiling. "Where...am I?" She pushed herself to sit up, rubbing her eyes before scanning her surroundings. It was then Rai realized she was back in her room inside the Arcadia Movement, sighing softly to herself.

Right... I'm back at the Arcadia Movement... All I can remember is when I was back at the stadium... After I saw that dragon, I...lost myself for a moment before managing to stumble back here. After that, it's all a blank to me...

Rai sighed again, climbing out of bed as she ran her fingers through her hair. However, before she could even think about leaving her room, the door slid open, both Liquid and Okita entering. "Hey, look who's finally awake!" Said Liquid. "After you staggered into your room and practically collapsed, I got kinda worried. I mean, if that's what you're like on the very first day, I can't say the future's looking good for you."

"Settle down, Liquid, no need to give her any more anxiety than I'm sure she already has." Okita hushed him. "But I am very pleased to see that you're feeling better today, Rai."

"I just...ran into a few problems yesterday, that's all. I'll be fine now." She replied.

"That's very good to hear." Okita grinned. "Now then, am I right in understanding that you are to start training today?"

"Oh, yeah, Seria mentioned something about that..."

"Well, should you have any questions, just ask at the training room, which is just west of this building."

"Noted..." Rai acknowledged. "Anyway, I think I'll be going now." She then turned and made her leave, heading for the training area.

I wonder what kind of training I'll be doing today... It's not like I need to test my dueling skills since I'm pretty confident I can hold my own in a duel. So then, what could I be training in, I wonder? Well, I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Once Rai had reached the training area, she drew in a breath before stepping forward, the doors sliding open as she entered the building. There, Rai saw a man and woman who were waiting for her. The redhead approached the two, clearing her throat a bit. "Um, excuse me? I'm here for my training session today."

"Ah, you must be Rai." The male greeted. "My name is Check and I'll be in charge of teaching you some duel puzzles."

"And I'm Nino. I'll be teaching you how to better control your psychic abilities." The woman said. "Sayer felt there was no need to give you any sort of duel training since we were told you were an excellent duelist when he brought you in."

"Okay, uh, good to know..." Rai acknowledged.

"Just let us know when you're ready and we can begin." Said Check, the redhead giving him a nod in response.

After taking a deep breath, Rai decided to start with Check. "So you wanna try the duel puzzles first?"

"Yeah, sure." She replied.

"Alright then, let's see what you've got. Use that head of yours to figure out a solution in one turn."

Rai nodded before she was given a problem, which seemed to be very easy. It seemed like she had Tune Warrior on her field while Check only had one face down card. "The facedown card on my field is Bottomless Trap Hole. Now that you know the card, how can you defeat me in one turn?"

Rai thought for a moment. Let's see... Bottomless Trap Hole allows you to destroy and remove from play one monster with 1500 or more Attack Points, which means Jerry Beans Man won't work since it has 1750 Attack Points. That leaves Acrobat Monkey, who only has 1000, and with no monsters on his field and only 2600 Life Points, I can easily win this duel.

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