33. The Illusion of Destiny

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"When I stop and think about it for a second, due to the incident of the reactor collapsing, it's actually why Jack, Yusei, Rai, and my parents all died..." Crow said as he was following Goodwin down a dark and decaying corridor. "It's also why Domino City had been split in two, which was how the Satellite had been created. Even the legendary man was unable to stop the split between the city and Satellite..."

"Do you know the man who flew over Daedalus Bridge?" Goodwin then asked.

"No, but I've never forgotten his dream." Crow replied. "Someday, I'd like to unite the city and Satellite into one again."

Goodwin suddenly stopped walking, Crow pausing behind him as the silver haired man glanced back at the teen. "You have the same idealistic goal as Yusei..." He stated. "I'd actually like for you to give Yusei a message for me, if you could."

"Huh...?" Crow perked up as he was heading for a room off to his right.

"If he defeats my brother, I'll be waiting..."

"Uh, hey, wait!" Crow gasped as Goodwin disappeared into a room, the door closing behind him. "What does that mean, Goodwin!? Hey!!" He called while banging against the door, but would receive no response in return...

Meanwhile though, after hearing Roman explain everything with his father and how the Zero Reverse incident came to be, Yusei couldn't help but frown at all of it. "Is that why you're pretending to be some kind of god?" He questioned, though rhetorically. "How many lives will you play with until you're satisfied then?"

"Yusei, by the time I knew my destiny, the gods were already in my hands, and I chose to carry that darkness in my heart. This world will soon be reborn -- that is my answer!" Roman stated. "But now it's my turn, so let's continue where we left off!" He said as he drew a card. "Yusei, I have to keep moving ahead! Now go, Earthbound Immortal Uru! Attack Yusei directly!" He declared as his monster shot out a giant web that was heading straight for Yusei.

"I activate Zero Gardna's effect!" Yusei cut in as his monster released the giant zero shaped device just as it made contact with the webs of Roman's monster, colliding in the impact. "By releasing Zero Gardna, all battle damage this turn now becomes zero!"

"So you've managed to stop another of my attacks, though you are only delaying your inevitable defeat." Roman mocked. "I set one card and end turn."

"If he gets attacked directly next time, he's gonna lose!" Leo panicked.

"You have to trust Yusei." Trudge urged.

"It's my turn!" Yusei then said as he drew a card, glancing down at what he had gotten. "I set two cards."

The question now, is what will he do on his next turn? Yusei wondered.

"I end my turn."

Yusei, you're betting on a Trap? Trudge thought anxiously.

"You're only strategy is defense, Yusei?" Roman chuckled tauntingly. "It's my turn!" He said, drawing a card, only to then smirk. "With this, I will end your delusion of hope! I activate the Spell Card, Earthbound Whirlwind!" He declared as a twister of wind came rushing toward Yusei. "When an Earthbound Immortal is on the field, all Spell and Trap Cards on your field are destroyed!"

"This is bad!" The twins gasped.

"If his set cards are destroyed, Yusei will be wide open!" Trudge exclaimed.

"It's a good thing I was waiting for that!" Yusei then said. "I activate my Trap, Starlight Road! When effects that destroy two or more cards is activated, this card negates them!" Yusei said as a bright beam of light shot from his card, blasting through the whirlwind and shattering through Roman's card. "Then I'm allowed to Special Summon Stardust Dragon to my field! Now come forth, Stardust Dragon!" Yusei declared as he held his hand up to the sky, and in a bright flash of light, his dragon roared just as it came to the dark to light its way to victory.

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