21. Immortals of the Unbound

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"Crow!" A voice suddenly called.

Both Crow and Rai perked up as they glanced back, only to see Rally and the others quickly approaching. "Hey, what's going on? Where's Yusei?" Rally asked.

Rai lifted her hand. "He's down there..." She replied.

"Huh?" The boys, excluding Crow, all turned to Rai, though all seemed confused.

"Come on, guys, don't ya recognize her? That's Rai!" Crow cut in.

There was a long pause before Rai sighed heavily, lifting her hands as she removed her helmet, shaking her head a bit. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

It was then that it finally clicked. "Rai!!" The boys all exclaimed rushing over to her.

"Hey, hey! I know you're all happy to see her, but don't crowd the girl, geez!" Crow fussed.

"Rai! It's been so long! What happened to you!?" Rally asked worriedly.

"Yeah, you had all of us worried sick." Blitz chimed in.

"After Kalin got taken away, then you go kissing, we didn't know what to think!" Said Tank.

"We thought maybe security had gotten to you too..." Nervin spoke up, though a bit sheepishly.

"It's a long story..." She replied. "I can explain everything later. Right now though, we have more important things to worry about, like Yusei's duel down there."

"Whoa! He's Turbo Dueling?!" The guys all exclaimed when they turned to the screen on Rai and Crow's runners.

"But who is that he's dueling down there?" Tank questioned.

"It's Kalin." Crow replied.

"As in "let's take over Satellite" Kalin?" Tank asked.

"I thought they locked him up and threw away the key..." Said Nervin.

"Looks like they didn't throw it far enough." Blitz chimed in.

"Is he the one behind the big glowing thing in the sky?" Rally asked.

"Unfortunately..." Rai replied.

"You remember those Dark Signers Yusei was talking about earlier? Well, apparently, Kalin is one of 'em, and he used some kind of dark mojo to trap Yusei in this seal and force him to duel." Crow added.

"Except this isn't like any other Turbo Duel... I've faced something similar, but I guess what I mean by that is all the damage in this duel is now real. In other words...Yusei is betting his life in this duel." Rai continued, causing the other four to gasp.

[Kalin: 4000]
[Yusei: 1800]

"It looks like your precious Duel Runner is about to give out on you, Yusei!" Kalin taunted.

Just as Kalin said this, the front wheel on Yusei's runner began to wobble, causing the whole machine to skip as Yusei tried to regain control again. "It's fine, Kalin! It's just a little wobbly, that's all."

"Then I guess it's a perfect fit for your game!" Kalin teased, causing Yusei to glare.

"Yusei!!" The guys all called out to him, causing Kalin to chuckle.

"Did you hear that? It sounds like you have a couple of loyal friends out there watching the duel! I just hope for your sake that you never have to feel the stinging pain of their betrayal!"

"Hmm..." Jack's eyes narrowed. "Kalin can turn the table with that combo of his... He's made it so that as long as he has no cards in his hand, he can pretty much use any monster in his Graveyard and activate their Special Ability whenever he pleases. Yusei needs to do something about that or he's finished." He said aloud.

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