24. Twin Tag Team!

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Meanwhile, back in the real world, Leo was dueling against the Dark Signer, Devack. By this point, their Life Points were pretty much even, but it seemed as though Leo was getting more and more worn out as the duel continued, especially considering what the Dark Signers were capable of. Things weren't going to be looking so good for the non-Signer the longer this duel went on...

[Devack: 2500]
[Leo: 2000]

"After I've sent you straight to hell to drown in the darkness, Leo, your beloved sister will be next to fall!" The Dark Signer, Devack boasted.

Leo growled. "That's only if you can beat me first!" He taunted. "And in case that Dark Signer brain of yours doesn't work too well, I'll remind you that I get a random Equip Spell thanks to my Power Tool Dragon!" Leo said as his deck was randomly shuffled before one of the cards had been slightly pushed outward. The boy tensed up a bit as he reached for his deck, swallowing the lump in his throat.

But the tension didn't end there, because while Rai was in the Spirit World trying to help Luna, Officer Trudge had come to find Yusei, dragging him along for the ride to try and help Leo, but when you're bounded by that wall of violet flames, nothing is allowed to interfere. Yusei couldn't help but clench his jaw as he stood on a nearby cliff with the officer, gazing down at the boy from above. "Leo just needs to believe in his cards... If he can do that and adapt his strategy, then he can't lose this." Yusei said.

"That's a whole lot easier said than done, isn't it, Yusei?" Trudge pointed out.

"I know, but...it's all that I've got right now, since I can't be down there helping him, especially while I'm still injured..." Yusei sighed.

Leo had then drawn in a shaky breath, grabbing the card that was extended to him from his deck. "Oh, please be the card I need to take out that Ape King!" Leo prayed as he quickly drew the card, holding it up before hesitantly opening his eyes, and upon doing so, instantly brightened up. "Now that monkey's a goner for sure!" He grinned.

Meanwhile though, back in the Spirit World, Rai glanced back at the two behind her, anxiety clearly brimming in her emerald eyes. "So, you think Zeman is really going to fall for this?" She whispered.

"Absolutely!" Torunka nodded.

"I sure hope you're right about this..." Luna quietly prayed. "I mean, these silly costumes managed to get us in the castle, but I'm not sure this stolen staff is going to help free my dragon."

"Let's just hope that we can pull this off..." Rai whispered.

"You've done well to bring me Regulus, young wizard." Zeman then said, the three quickly directing their attention back to the Ape King. "And now, my plans can be realized... Once the bonds of the Fairy Dragon are removed, I'll use the Minus Curse on her and her loyal servant to bring her powers under my control, correct?"

"Uhh, y-yes, that is correct, my king." Rai quickly nodded.

"I should hope so, because if the three of you are wrong, I will seal the lot of you away for all eternity!" Zeman glared.

"Why so negative?! The plan's gonna work -- it's practically monkey-proof! Have a banana already!" Said Torunka, Rai quickly pushing his hat down in an attempt to shut him up.

"It's time!" Zeman then said, holding up his staff. "Let the ritual begin!" He said, drawing in a deep breath. "Ancient Fairy Dragon, with the power I possess, I release you from your prison!"

Suddenly, the staff mounted above the mountain sealing the dragon had shifted, one of the dials switching upward as the rock containing the dragon began to glow a deep and eerie amethyst color. It was there that the deformed image began to grow, life beginning to return to the trapped beast. "Yes! Zeman's doing it! He fell for it!" Said Torunka.

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