08. Her Nightmare Turned Reality

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"Hey, stop it! Let me go!" A voice was shouting from just outside the shack.

"Shut up, kid! You're comin' with us whether ya like it or not!"

"What the...?" Rai pushed herself to sit up from her bed. "What's going on outside?"

"Rai!! Help!!"

"Ugh!?" She gasped, throwing the blanket from her body as she quickly slipped her boots on and ran outside. However, upon exiting the shack, her eyes widened when she saw some gang trying to take Itsuki. "Hey! Let him go, now!" She shouted.

The man holding Itsuki growled. "Damn... Come on, we gotta get outta here now!"

"I said let go of him!" Rai ran over to the man holding Itsuki captive and started pulling on his arm. "I won't let you take him!"

"Rai, help me, please!!" Itsuki pleaded.

"Let go of him!!" She shouted, yanking on the man's jacket.

"Urgh! Get off me!" The man growled.


"Ahh!!" Rai gasped as the man threw his arm out, backhanding her in the face and sending the teen to the ground.

"Rai!" Annie exclaimed, running over to the redhead as she propped herself up.

Rai glared at the man, gripping her cheek. "That was a cheap shot, bastard..." She hissed.

The man just laughed. "If ya wanna see this kid again, then you'll have to come find us!"


The two cringed when the wheels on their runners screeched loudly before the gang sped off, Itsuki in their possession. "No!! Rai!! Help me!!"

"Damn it!" Rai quickly pounced to her feet, Annie gasping when she ran in the opposite direction.

"Wait, Rai! Itsuki went that way! Where are you going?!" Annie exclaimed.

"To get my Duel Runner!" She replied. "Annie, go find Crow and tell him what happened! I'm going after those punks!"

Rai dashed through the B.A.D. Area until she reached the northern slums, running as fast as her legs would carry her, because she didn't have any time to waste. When she reached the old highway, Rai quickly threw all the boxes and junk out of the way to reveal her Duel Runner. After pulling the helmet out from the seat and stuffing it onto her head, she swung her leg over and mounted the machine, quickly switching it on. As the machine came to life, Rai revved the engine before speeding off, taking sharp turns due to her rush, but she didn't really have time to think about it, she just drove. Once Rai had sped back into the B.A.D. Area, she head in the direction of where the thugs had gone, speeding right past Crow and Annie in the process. Rai noticed them in the blur of her passing, but couldn't really think about it at the moment, she just had to find Itsuki, and fast because she wasn't about it let those punks have their way. Rai made turn after turn, but after riding around for a while, she found herself in the back alleys of Satellite. However, she also noticed those familiar Duel Runners that gang had drove off on. Rai slammed on the breaks, screeching to a halt. She quickly hopped off the machine and removed her helmet, taking note of where the gang had come to, which looked to be an old, rundown bowling alley. Rai just glared, clenching her fist as she dashed inside.

"Hey! I know you bastards are in here! You'd better come out now, or I'll just come find you myself!" She called.


Rai just scoffed. "Tch! Fine, I guess we'll do it the hard way then." She then stomped off, searching the first floor of the bowling alley.

After a few minutes of searching the first floor, Rai growled, finding nothing. "They must be on the second floor then, those cowards." She hissed, hastily dashing up the stairs to the second floor.

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