Chapter 5 - The Newest Arrival

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Stepping inside the ship, the woman gestured to one of the plush chairs towards the opposite end of the ship. Setting my duffle bag between my feet, I sat down on the cream-colored fabric. I don't know much about ships because our planet's landing port took a couple days to travel to. I remember when my brothers and father would prepare for the long trip to collect the materials they had ordered previously. So, I had no idea what type of ship this was.

The man walked by while still looking at me like I might get up and run away. He paused, like he was going to say something, but continued to the front towards the cockpit. He must be a pilot then. The woman walked up to me and signaled if she could have a seat. I just nodded my head; why would she ask to have a seat in her own ship?

As the ship began to leave the planet and prepare for hyperspace, the woman began speaking, "So, Nymeria. Where should we start? How about introductions, since I already know who you are. My name is General Leia Organa, I am the leader to the Resistance and I was once a good friend to your mother.

"I met your mother when we were children. She and her own father had come to visit my adopted father on Alderaan. While your mother was there, we quickly became friends. They would visit on and off for about five years before both of our fathers were finished with their business together. Before she left for the last time, she told me one of her darkest secrets. A secret that even her own family were unaware of.

"You see Nymeria, your family is one of the longest lineages of humans who were sensitive with the force. Their names were Arcinia"

She paused, allowing me to process this information. "My mother never said anything about her family. My brothers and I learned to not ask about her past" I replied while nervously tangling my fingers together.

"Your mother's family was touched by the dark side, and those who were not were hunted down and killed. In the end, your mother was the last living descendent of the Arcinia's, which is why she disappeared and went into hiding. Your mother escaped the slaughter of her family and came to your home planet. That is when she met your father and started her own family. She contacted me when you were born, knowing that you too were sensitive to the force."

"So, none of my brothers were sensitive?"

"No, only you. Which means you are now the last descendent in your family. There are many different beings who would see you killed if they knew who you were. This is why your mother and I agreed that until you found your connection to the force, your mother would carry on as if you were not sensitive. She used the force to create a protective barrier around your mind to keep you from slipping towards the force and possible to the dark side" She paused again, waiting to see if I could handle any more information. I was now staring blankly at the wall opposite of where we were sitting. I thought about the band that I constantly felt around my thoughts when the General continued.

"After what happened a couple days ago, your father contacted me through a link that hasn't been used in decades. He explained vaguely what had happened, but I understood what needed to be done."

"Did he tell you about my mother?" I whispered.

"Yes, he did", she sighed. Not only had I taken my mother from my father and brothers, but also from her friend. The burning area in my chest began to grow hotter. Sensing my unease, General Organa placed her hand onto mine.

"Nymeria, whatever happened that day was not your fault. You were only a child who did what she thought was best to do. Do not keep blaming yourself for something that you couldn't possibly control."

I just stared down at my duffle bag. Nobody has ever told me that the accident was not my fault. I was the target my brothers had used to aim their anger at, especially Ghent. With one last pat to my hand, the General removed hers from mine. I didn't know what to say to her, so we just sat in silence until we started to hear the ship being removed from hyperspace.

Once the pilot had landed the ship smoothly, the back hatch opened again. Walking out I was immediately hit with humidity. It felt as if I was walking underwater. It was night here as well, but I did notice the largest trees I have ever seen.

"I need to return to my duties, but Poe will take you to your room. Remember what I told you. I will see you again in the morning, Nymeria."

I nodded my head in understanding. I then turned to the pilot who still didn't seem like he trusted me.

"Nymeria is a bit of a mouthful don't you think?" he asks as we begin to walk towards what looks like a storage building for the ships.



"You can call me Nym"

"Hmm, that's easier to say. I'm Poe."

With that we continued towards the building in silence until the droid started to emit a beeping noise.

"I agree, but maybe the west side, it's more secluded", Poe said. I was confused as to who he was talking to when the droid started beeping again. It was then that I realized he could understand the droid. Fascinated I listened intently to their conversation, although I could only understand parts of it.

"Alright you win. The west side it is. Sheesh!"

The droid continued to roll beside us, but it was clear it's attention was focused on me. I didn't know what to do, so I looked forwards. Still sensing the thing looking at me I glanced sideways and saw that it was still focused intently on me.

"He doesn't trust strangers. That's why he is staring at you", Poe says.

"Doesn't it- "


"Doesn't he know that it's rude to stare?" I said, looking at the droid again, which is now looking away from me.

Poe doesn't answer my question but continues to walk in front of one of the many buildings. "This is hanger number five. This is where we store some of the X-wings. This is the easiest way to reach your room, though everything connects with hallways and corridors below."

We walk to the back of the hanger and go down a flight of stairs. "The floor right below is the maintenance area for the ships. Below that is where the mess hall, storage areas, meeting rooms, and council rooms are held. Finally, below that are the bunk rooms. General Organa asked specifically that you had your own room."

We continued down the stairs until we stopped at a door labeled 'C'. Poe opens the door and began to walk down a hall that had connecting hallways and multiple doors. I'm going to get very lost very quickly.

"We usually have an elevator working so you don't have to use the stairs, but this wing doesn't get used very often so the need for the elevator to be fixed isn't going to happen until someone of power decides it does."

That seems stupid, I thought, but kept it to myself.

"So, it's just down this hall and it's the second hall to your right, then the fourth door to your left. Pretty simple."

"Second right, fourth left. Got it."

"Alright", Poe said as he opens the door. "I'll come back in the morning to bring you to the mess hall. Good night."

With that he allowed me to walk in and he closes the door behind me. The room was small, but it was still bigger than the room over the shop at home. This thought brought tears to my eyes. I was not wanted by my family, so they just sent me away like a piece of worthless material. The burning in my chest began to grow until tears were streaming down my face and into my collar. I sat on the bed and sobbed into my hands.

I don't know how long I sat there sobbing, but once the tears stopped I figured now was the best time to get ready for bed. Sniffling, I picked up my duffle and pulled out my nightgown. I looked around the room, trying to locate a sink to wash my face and prepare for the night. I saw a door to the right of the door that led into the hallway. Upon opening it I found it was a connecting bathroom with a shower, sink, and toilet. Nice

Once I was prepared for bed, I laid there listening for any sounds, but there was nothing, only silence. I rolled over onto my side and started to run my fingers lightly over my scar on my thigh. I did this every night as a reminder of what I had done. The burning in my chest had subsided after I cried, but it was still present as it always was. Slowly my eyelids closed as my mind became anxious for what will happen tomorrow.

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