Chapter 13 - The Meeting

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I couldn't scream, even if I wanted to. My vocal cords where not healed enough from the length of disuse and from the breathing tube. I instinctively pulled the robe tighter in the middle then crossed my arms over my chest.

"What are you doing here?"

He continued to lean against the desk with his arms folded too, "I came to explain the meeting we're going to have tomorrow."

"It couldn't wait until then."

"We wouldn't have the time."

"Can I at least get changed before you start to explain?"

He dropped his hands to the desk on either side of his hips. He then started to drum his fingers on the desk, which I immediately guessed was annoyance.

"Or not. That works too", I said quickly. I continued to stand there with my arms crossed to prevent the twins from making a surprise appearance.

"I will set an alarm for you in the morning. You'll have fifteen minutes before Hux comes to bring you to the Supreme Leader, who will make his examination, which upon completion, will determine if you are to stay", he stated with his metallic voice.

"Or if I am to be exterminated", I said, now looking down at my bear feet.

He didn't reply, but he did tilt his helmet like he did in the hallway, "Yes, or you will be exterminated. Although I have the upmost confidence that you will succeed his examination. When you do pass-"

"If I pass"

"Do not interrupt me!" He declared, standing to his full height. He took a step towards me, which made me step back into the wardrobe behind me. He continued to walk towards me until he was in front of me. He was a good foot taller than I was, which allowed him to tower over me. I couldn't stop the tremor that ran down my spine when he got this close to me.

"When you do pass, you will show the upmost respect to the Supreme Leader and to myself. You are to follow every command. Do you understand?"

I couldn't trust myself to speak, so I quickly nodded my head.

He took a step back, "Good. I'll see you at the meeting."

Kylo Ren turned on his heels and stalked away from me towards the door. Before he reached it though, he said, "Also, you will be announced as my apprentice tomorrow after the meeting ", with that he left me trembling alone.

I slid down the wardrobe until I was sitting on the floor with my legs extended in front of me. I sat there for a bit, collecting my thoughts and the exchange I just had with the Commander of the First Order.

Finally, when my ass started to fall asleep, I got up and put on my nightgown I found in the drawer and crawled into bed.


I woke up to an annoying beeping, realizing it was the alarm. I sat up, which turned it off. I just wanted to go back to bed, but Hux was supposed to be here soon, so I got up and made my way to the bathroom to start my morning routine.

After clipping the top part of my curls back and away from my face, I left the bathroom to dig through the wardrobe.

Inside I found a pair of black leggings that I tucked inside of my socks before I pulled on a pair of grey boots. I then found a tank-top and a simple black shirt with the First Order symbol on the right sleeve. I laced and buckled the boots while leaning against the wardrobe when I heard a knock on the door before the red hair General walked in.

"Ah, good. You're ready to leave I presume?"

"Yes", I said before following him out into the hallway. I walked behind him in silence, which seemed to suit us both. Finally, we stopped at a set of double doors being guarded by a pair of Stormtroopers, who opened them for us.

I couldn't see much when I originally entered the large room, but my eyes quickly adjusted. I also didn't notice the tall male standing to the side. But I was too distracted by what was in front of me. Sitting in a towering throne that took up most of the room was a hologram of a pale, disformed creature whose presence demanded attention. I felt as if I knew this presence, like I had met it before. I was too busy trying to dig through my mind thinking when I would have seen this ugly alien before when the hologram raised his right arm and closed his claw like fingers in the air.

I felt like I was being strangled, but no hands were near my throat. I clawed at my trachea, trying to push off whatever was strangling me. I felt my feet leaving the ground as I was raised up. I was beginning to see spots dance across my vision when I was released. I fell to my hands and knees, gasping for breath.

"You are weak for someone who is sensitive to the force", a deep, echoing voice proclaimed, "I am surprised you are so feeble, especially with your lineage."

I looked up at the creature while still catching my breath. I finally got back to my feet while still glaring at him.

"Your anger fuels your power. Let it envelope you until you are succumbed by the dark side."

The Supreme Leader was leaning forwards in his throne with attentiveness. He was looking at me like I was something for sale, which pissed me off.

The band around my mind felt like someone was pushing it off. I raised my brow at the creature, feeling as if he was the one trying to penetrate my mind. This was when I remembered where I felt such a presence before.

My eyes widen, remembering that day so vividly, "You were there when I attacked my brother. I remember feeling a darkness, that was you."

"Yes" he replied, leaning back into his throne, "There is an untapped source of power in you, you just need to learn to control it. I'm sure my apprentice has already explained that he will train you in the force."

I nodded my head; I almost forgot about our conversation the day before. I had so many questions to ask, but I knew this was not the time nor person to ask. Though I did have one particular question in mind, "Will I be trained to destroy the Resistance?"

"In time, yes."

The seed for my revenge has been planted and I will wait patiently until it is ready to be harvested. I let the rage inside wash over me until it was all I felt.

"Then I am yours to command" I replied.

"Remember the code that the Sith followed. Let the force set you free through your hatred. Let it break your chains. Prove to me that you are willing to follow the dark side. You may leave, Officer Arcinia."

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