Chapter 40 - A Body Stained Crimson

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Author's note: I know that Rey immediately seeks out Skywalker which leads straight from The Force Awakens to The Last Jedi within maybe a day or two. I'm making it last for a couple weeks instead of days (or months haven't made it that far yet). This means, yes, the original Resistance base was destroyed by Starkiller base, but I'm making it so they move onto a temporary base until they need to leave that too, leading to them being chased down by the First Order (and what we saw happen in The Last Jedi).

If this gets confusing, then I apologize; I just wanted to warn you all before I continue on.

Much love and many thanks!! *air hugs*


They told me the impossible, but I had to see for myself. I ran down the halls, my dark hair flowing into my eyes and my jacket billowing out behind me. People that were unloading cargo onto the new base frantically tried to get out of my way.

I need to see her.

I ran from the loading-unloading bay to the rain outside. It was dark and large puddles were beginning to form in groups, causing my pantlegs to become wet as I splashed through them to get to the ship ahead of me.

The Millennium Falcon was powering down as I ran to the opening hatch. I wiped the wet hair out of my eyes when I was met by the furred Wookiee, then a younger female. She and I stared at each other for a moment, shock apparent on both our faces.

Finally, she began to speak, "Finn is inside, but his back is injured, and we need a stretcher."

"Finn's hurt?", I asked. Nobody told me Finn was hurt. Only her.

"Oh", she said before taking my forearm lightly. She looked at the ground then into my eyes, shaking her head.

I felt as if my knees were about to buckle and give in, but I took a step forwards up the ramp. The girl let me go as she found someone in the group that was jogging towards the recently landed ship. I paid no heed as I ran inside. The Wookiee made a noise and pointed left.

I practically slipped from my wet boots on the metal as I sprinted inside. The ship was made in a circular fashion, making the hall like an arch. My stupid, frantic brain was thinking of logistics and about the ships interior when I came to an opening that lead to a small sitting area.

That's when my knees finally gave in. I put my head into my hands, as if in defeat. I felt a sob wrack my body, taking me by shock. Another soon followed with a moan, which then led to me sobbing in my hands in front of what was once my best friend.

The past few months I was in anguish over the fact that she was able to hurt and injure me so easily. That was until General Organa told me about her past and the conflicts she felt inside the girl. She explained to me how the dark side of the force was causing the anger and hate to radiate out of her and into her actions.

I sentence you to immediate death

Those words resonated throughout my thoughts, thinking back on the details that I was too afraid to think of before. Her eyes were yellow and not the beautiful hazel I had once known. That ass hole Ren made her believe that her friends killed her family. I gripped onto my still wet hair as sobs continued to hit me in waves.

I flinched when a hand softly placed itself onto my shoulder. I looked up and saw that it was Leia herself. She was dressed in a similar brown jacket, her greying hair wet as well. She was staring at the body in front of us. We stayed like this in silence, but I refused to look at the body.

The younger female, who ought to have been this Rey, must have tried to save her. Although when she realized it was too late, she placed a white sheet from the barracks to cover her. This caused a dark crimson stain to spread from the center of the sheet where her abdomen was.

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