Chapter 34 - Who Are You?

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I was restless and without sleep, so I meditated throughout the night. Although, I never saw Dain again, only the greyish nothingness, which allowed me to review my thoughts. I gave up on sleep and decided to begin my day early. I quickly went through my morning routine and headed towards the training room.

I was determining which scenario to run through with the lightsaber replica when I saw General Hux turn the corner. I jogged up to meet with him and his following Stormtroopers.

"Good morning General", I said, causing him to slightly jerk in surprise, but quickly composed himself.

He looked down at his tablet before asking, "What are you doing up this early?"

"Couldn't sleep."

He didn't answer, he just continued to walk down the hall. We quickly passed the hallway that lead to the training and scenario room, but I wanted something different to do.

"Can I help you with anything?", he asked while still briskly walking to his destination.


"Then I suggest you caring on with your schedule."

"And what if I have nothing planned?"

"Not my problem."

I hesitated in my step but continued to follow him. He mustn't be a morning person. "Well, I'll leave you to it", I said turning around.

"Oh, Arcinia", he stated, causing me to turn slightly, "Ren has returned."

I nodded my head and made my way back to my room instead of training. I couldn't concentrate. When I returned to the bedroom I decided to try on my armor to see if I can become faster at placing it on.

I was running through the motions when I heard something fall. Shit, I broke something. I bent to see what fell and saw a small silver box. It was faintly familiar, but I couldn't quite place where I saw it before. Shrugging my shoulders, I placed it back on my belt when Kylo entered the room.

He placed his helmet on the desk and stretched. "Going somewhere?", he asked.

"No, just trying to get faster at this", I replied. "I'm glad you're back though."

He looked exhausted, but he was just on a mission, "How did the mission go?"

"It could have gone smoother."

I turned back towards the storage box and began replacing the black armor piece by piece. I glanced at Kylo standing at the desk, staring into space. "Peggot for your thought?"

"Hmm? No. I have a few meetings to attend and might not be back until late tonight or early morning."

I was slightly disappointed, but understood, "I'll see you later then."


I was in a dreamless sleep when my door was busted open. I shot up and force grabbed my lightsaber, igniting it once I was free of the sheets. The only light was from my burgundy light and a lighter red from a cross blade lightsaber.

Kylo. I turned off my weapon and placed it on one of the tables near the bed. He was slashing at the walls and furniture near him. I sat at the end of the bed until he paused to take a breath and to review his destructive surroundings.

"Kylo", I whispered. He glared up at me when I said his name. "What happened?"

"P - ", he stopped and tried again, "The prisoner from the mission escaped with a defected Stormtrooper."

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