Chapter 23 - Connections

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I was so unprepared with his reply. He quickly lifted me up so that I could sit on the desk that was behind me. He stood between my legs, which allowed me to wrap them around his waist so that I could pull him closer to me. The kiss before was a slow burn while this one felt like fire in my veins. I didn't want it to ever stop. This kiss was the most passionate kiss I have ever experienced.

I gripped onto his hair and pulled on the hair at the nape of his neck, which caused him to hiss. He pulled back to look at me. All of the pain that was once in his eyes was replaced with a fiery need, it almost frightened me. I pulled him back towards me, but he instead kissed my jawline and down to my throat.

I leaned into him as I looked up at the ceiling so he had better access to my neck. He hit that spot just by my ear, which caused me to moan while gripping his hair and neck. Kylo quickly returned to my lips as he pushed harder against me.

I felt his growing need, which was quite evident. I wrapped my legs tighter around him to make it so that even a sheet of paper couldn't get between us. The fire that was once a burn was spreading fast.

He began to kiss the other side of my neck, which made me whimper his name. He kissed that same spot as before, which again, made me audibly sigh. The second time he returned to my lips, he quickly picked me up and began to walk. I wrapped my arms and legs tighter around him while he gripped my backside. He dropped me onto the bed, which let me recline on my elbows.

He then started to pull my boots and socks off, which once removed he started on his own. I scooted backwards so that I was more on the bed while he pulled his shirt off, leaving him in his pants and undershirt. He followed me onto the bed until he was over me. We started to kiss again with his hands straying lower. He pulled back so that he could lift my shirt, then undershirt above my head, which left me only in my pants, bra, and my mother's necklace. He straddled my legs while he leaned back so that he could look at me.

"Beautiful", he whispered. I went to cover my chest, but his hand stopped me, "Don't hide yourself."

Kylo lifted the crystal necklace to observe it, "I didn't realize you owned a Kyber crystal", he said as he placed it back on my chest. He began to trace the scars on my right arm from where Ghent had attacked me, and the blaster wound on my shoulder.

"I remember when you got this", he gently brushed over the circular scar, "That was when you kept running away from me."

His face suddenly scrunched like he was in physical pain. He twisted off me, which caused a lot of confusion on my part. "Kylo?"

"I apologize for taking advantage over you", he said as he went to get out of the bed. I didn't give him a chance before I now straddled him. I took both of my hands and placed it on his face and kissed him hard. Thankfully, he began to kiss back, which signaled me to start removing his undershirt. I quickly placed my hands on his pale, marbled chest, feeling his muscles twitch under my fingers, "You are not taking advantage over me", I replied while looking him straight in his beautiful brown eyes. He leaned against me again so that I would have the bed against my back and him over me.

Kylo placed one hand on my hips to steady them while the other he tentatively placed on my breast. I continued to pull him close and tug at the hair that ended near his neck. He slipped his hand under my bra, which allowed him to pull it off. I was now bare chested under him. He looked at me with that same fiery need as before. I didn't have time to register my thoughts as he leaned in and took a breast by his mouth while the other he gripped in his hand. I had one hand on his shoulder while the other I used to hold his neck.

He pinched and rolled my nipple while he continued to suck on the other. He switched, so that the twin had the same influence. I continued to moan until he began to kiss lower. He stopped where my pants began. He seemed disappointed with the inconvenience, but he quickly removed the obstacle away. He now looked at me completely bare beneath him.

"So beautiful."

I blushed, but this didn't stop him from staring. I had the urge to cover myself, but before I could, I noticed his eyes lingering on the burn.

"Not so beautiful now", I said. He swiftly turned his head back at me.

"No", he said as he began to trace the scar on my thigh, "No, this makes you even more beautiful."

I felt tears welling up, but they were not able to fall before he leaned back down and began kissing me again. He had one hand twisting the nipple of my breast while the other was traveling lower. He gently pushed my thighs apart so that he could settle between them. He then took his hand and traveled between my thighs. I didn't understand what he was doing until I felt his fingers slide against my inner folds.

I gasped, not realizing his goal until he brushed a finger against the little ball of nerves. I arched my back, causing his arousal to push against my lower abdomen. He gently pushed a finger inside me. This caused him to groan my name before he pushed himself back so that he could remove his pants.

I continued to lay their panting, watching him. He must have seen the fear in my eyes when I finally saw him, "Have you ever laid with a man?"

"No", I whispered.

I saw surprise initially on his face, but it was quickly replaced by that fired look. He came back to settle between my legs so that he could kiss me.

"I will be gentle, but you will tell me if you want to stop, understand?"

I couldn't verbally say yes, so I just stuck to nodding my head. He reached down between us so that he could take hold of his member and guide it to my entrance. I held my breath as he slowly entered me. I gasped, not realizing the pain associated with it. He hesitated until I nodded for him to continue, which he did until he was fully inside me.

He allowed me to take a couple breaths before he began to pull out. He pumped slowly at first, allowing me to become adjusted. The burning pain began to turn into pleasure, and once I started to moan his name did he start moving faster.

I gripped his back muscles and neck while he had both his hands under my shoulders with his elbows on either side of my ribs. He buried his face in the crook of my neck as his thrusts got faster and harder. I was gasping and sighing his name until I began to feel myself climbing and unknown ladder.

He took one of his hands and placed it between us again so that he could rub that little ball of nerves. I arched my back and wrapped my feet around him. Wherever this climb was leading to, I felt like I would fall any second. Kylo's thrusts started to become sporadic, but I didn't notice because I had reached my own climax. This feeling started between my thighs and traveled throughout my limbs and abdomen. I thought I saw stars and I felt like I was falling.

When I was coming down from my high, Kylo must have been reaching his, because he thrusted once more before I felt and heard him groan. I then felt a hot wetness where he was still entered. He gently collapsed on me, both of us trying to catch our breaths.

When we finally settled, he turned towards me so that he could brush a stray curl from my face. I turned my head to look at him too, which in return I gave him a small smile. He cupped the side of my face before kissing my forehead. I took his neck to keep him from pulling away. We stayed like this, both on our sides holding each other while our heads were pressed together. I was slowly starting to fall asleep when Kylo mumbled something, but at this point I was incoherent.


"Nym", I whispered back.

"Nym", he brushed me cheek in an attempt to wake me.


"I think, I think I'm falling for you", he whispered while pulling the covers over my shoulders.

"Nym", he whispered again.


"Please don't ever leave me."

"Okay", I said before falling into a deep and dreamless sleep.

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