Chapter 24 - Burning

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I felt heat begin to creep into my limbs. At first it was uncomfortable, but then it became unbearable. I jolted awake to find that I was standing instead of sleeping. I was surrounded by heat and black stone. Steam was hissing between cracks in the rocks while sometimes a deep red colored liquid would spew out. There were waterfalls of the same red colored liquid poring over cliffs.

I continued to look around and noticed I was on some sort of landing pad. I heard voices far behind me, which turning around I noticed two men circling each other. One was in a lighter outfit while the other in a darker. They seemed to be in dispute, but I was too far away to hear what they were saying. Then, the lighter one ignited his blue lightsaber, which caused the other to react similarly.

They soon began to duel each other, I didn't want to become involved, but something was pulling me to follow them. I ran over to the ship and noticed a woman unconscious on the ground. I noted that she was still breathing before I followed the men inside the metal building. They continued to attack one another with their lightsabers in what looked like a control room. I was looking at the scattered bodies when I heard an alarm sounding. I saw that something was being disarmed, but I was too worried about the fight happening in front of me.

They continued back outside; I had no idea which man I should be concerned over. I didn't know which one was good or bad, but they both seemed to be equally matched. They began to cross a river of this red liquid on a pipe, and for some reason I felt I needed to follow still, yet I hesitated. What made me pause in my pursuit to follow the two men was that the darker dressed one had the same yellow eyes as the Sith Lord, Darth Bane.

The vision blacked for a moment and I was thankful that it was finally over, but when I opened my eyes again I still wasn't in my room. Instead I was standing on the bank of the black rock while the man in the lighter uniform was yelling at the darker dressed man who was on a hovering piece of metal over the red river. The darker one jumped over the lighter dressed man, who quickly severed the man's legs. I instantly felt pain in my legs as the man rolled to the edge of the red river.

I collapsed to the ground due to the pain. My legs were still intact, though I couldn't move them. I noticed the man in the lighter outfit saying something about once caring for the now legless man. I was still writhing in pain when I noticed the limbs of the man catching fire, which also felt like my legs were burning. I didn't notice the lighter dressed man leaving, all I could feel was burning all over my body. Pain so similar to when I was a child, but the pain was everywhere and not just my thigh.

All I could do was scream in pain. Suddenly, I felt cool hands on my face, even though I was still surrounded by the heat and darkness of this vision.


Was that my mother's voice? I tried to look around, but the pain was too much to bear. I finally just closed my eyes and begged the force for mercy.


"Nym", I heard a whisper. It was like a ribbon that echoed around me, "Open your eyes."

I shook my head, too afraid of another vision, "I can't", I whispered back.

"It is alright little comet."

I felt hands surround my face and hair. When I opened my eyes, I was met with blinding white light. I squinted and noticed a figure in front of me, who I realized was the one touching me. I took a step back instinctively, which caused the cool hands to drop from my face. I finally took a good look at the person in front of me.

The first thing I felt was denial, that it couldn't be possible. I tried to shake my head to clear my thoughts, but this didn't help. The second feeling was fear. I was afraid that I had died too. The final feeling was sadness. The realization of looking at the woman I had killed all those years ago crashed into me like a kick in the abdomen.

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