Chapter 12 - Relocating Spaces

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"What did you do to that poor nurse?" General Hux asked when he stopped at the foot of my bed.

I would have crossed my arms over my chest, but the restraints were preventing me from doing much other than glare at the man.

"You're actually not supposed to be awake yet until we got you situated into another room. Also, you look atrocious", he said, sneering.

I'm sure I did look like absolute shit, though I do not care about the opinion of a certain red hair General. "How long have I been here?"

"Doesn't matter, what does is that you're being discharged from the medical wing and I'm to escort you to a room", He said while looking down at his tablet.

"Don't make me ask you again."

"Don't make me say it again", he replied without glancing up at me.

I rolled my eyes, which was the only sass I had left that wasn't strapped to the bed. Which reminded me; I began to annoyingly hit the edge of the bed with my restraints like the pain in the ass I was true to be. Hux finally looked up and watched me. He continued to type on his tablet until he couldn't stand the noise any longer.

"Alright! Just please stop."

"Remove them", I demanded, sticking my foot out to him.

He grimaced when he saw my feet, which I'm sure smelled. He turned to the wall behind him and removed a control panel, which was hidden in the wall. He tapped a few buttons and pushed the panel away. Within seconds three male medical staff came in. One stood with the familiar syringe by the door while the other two began to remove my extremities from the restraints. Finally, with having my hands free I tried to brush my unruly hair down to no avail.

Whelp, it is what it is

One of the staff members dropped the railing so that I could swing my legs over the side and get up. I went to stand and almost fell onto my face, which luckily one of the staff members caught me. My body must have been weaker than I originally thought.

Hux watched the whole ordeal while still smirking at the end of the bed. I was helped back onto the bed with my legs hanging off the edge. The second staff member who didn't have the syringe gave me various capsules and tablets with a glass of clear liquid.

"These three will give your body some needed strength", he said while handing me three green capsules, "while these two will help with your internal wounds", he said while giving me two white, oval tablets, "finally, these are for any possible infections", he said while handing me another set of white, circular tablets. I quickly took the medicine with the help of the liquid.

Immediately feeling a slight burst of vitality, I slowly got down from the bed alone. You've got this, just take it easy. I shuffled a couple steps to the other bed without difficulty. I was proud of myself until Hux broke my little bubble.

"I'm on a tight schedule, are you ready yet?"

I turned to glare at him but nodded. He began to walk out of the room with long precise strides with me tailing behind him.

Unlike Kylo Ren, General Hux didn't slow down when I lagged behind. So, I tried to keep my pace steady while also starting to break out in a sweat. My weak body couldn't keep this pace much longer.

Hux stopped abruptly in the middle of the hallway, causing me to almost run into his back. I didn't notice why he stopped until I heard the voice. It was a metallic voice that I was all too familiar with. I wasn't listening to the conversation until I heard Hux say my name.

"I'm taking Nymeria to her assigned room, then I'll be back to discuss the details with the Supreme Leader."

Kylo Ren just nodded his head as Hux droned on, but his helmet was focused on me. I'm sure my face showed bright crimson. Getting nervous I looked down at my feet, which were only covered by thin socks. That's when I noticed my paper-like scrubs. I'm sure I was one hell of a site. I haven't showered in I don't know how long and I'm sure I smelled terrible too. This caused me to be even more embarrassed and my face turned darker.

I looked up under my lashes and saw that he was still staring at me while Hux was too busy looking at his tablet. He tilted his head slightly, like he did in the ship when my face flushed after he buckled me in my seat.

Come on Hux! Move your ass!

Finally, the General wrapped up his mini meeting. He made a slight bow towards Kylo and began to walk off. Ren was still looking at me and I back, I didn't notice that Hux had turned the corner down the hall. I made a quick polite nod of my head and scurried after Hux, but not too fast that my overlarge scrubs would fall, and mooning Kylo Ren would be the last thing I wanted to do.


"... and this is your tablet, it's pretty simple to configure. Oh, and this is your hologram device. You just click here..." General Hux continued to explain the technological devices throughout my supposedly new room. While he went on explaining things that I honestly could care less of, I began to look around the room. It was simple enough, though it was larger than my room on the Resistance base.

When walking into the room, there was a bed at the opposite wall that was slightly to the left while a rectangle window showed the view from outside the Finalizer on the far wall. To the left there was a wardrobe looking furniture against the wall that the door was on. Over to the right wall was the desk where Hux was standing next to.

"I take it you're not listening?" He asked with signature smirk.

"You're correct."

He must have counted backwards from ten because he hesitated before replying, "alright then, I'll leave you to it. You have a meeting in the morning with Ren and myself."

"What will it be over?"

"Your position with the First Order", with that he looked me over once more before taking his leave.

Finally feeling the effects of the medicine wear off, I debated on just going straight to bed or taking a shower. I decided that my hair needed a good scrub and so did my body, so shower it was. I didn't notice there was a door on the left wall until I got closer to it. Opening it revealed a complete bathroom.

I removed the scrubs and my socks. I wasn't in any undergarments, but I still looked at my reflection in the floor length mirror.  I must have been out for at least a month, I thought when I looked at my body. I wasn't usually labeled as thin, but the woman standing in front of me looked like she had been starved. I could see my ribs and even a little of my hip bones. My collar bone was jutting out under my throat while my breasts were also notably smaller.

My scars were also very noticeable. The one on my right arm from where Ghent tried to cut my arm off has faded in color, but it still looked like my skin was creased and then haphazardly sewed together. My blaster wound to my right shoulder had healed completely, but still left a scar.

I had a faint bruise to my right thigh from when I fell down the ravine on Takodana. The burn I received as a child made my left thigh atrocious. I finally looked myself in the eyes through the mirror. My face had slimed down too, but not in a healthy way. There was another scar over my left eyebrow from when Ghent kicked me in the head. I looked absolutely terrible.

I turned, unable to look at my broken body any longer. I opened the various cabinets until I found the soap I desperately needed. I went over to the shower, which took me a while to figure out how to turn it on. Once I was able to make the water hot enough, I submerged myself in the water.

I took one of the longest showers of my life, making sure I scrubbed my scalp and skin until they were red. Once I was done, I got out and wrapped myself in a black, oversized towel. Once I dried off and scrunched my curls, I placed a black robe around me. I was not going to put those dirty scrubs back on. I walked out of the bathroom and turned towards the wardrobe on the right. I was digging through it to find some sort of nightgown when I felt more than heard someone behind me.

I slowly turned around while clutching my chest. Leaning against my desk on the opposite side of the room was Kylo Ren.

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