Chapter 8 - The Interrogation

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I don't know what I was expecting when I opened my eyes, but it sure wasn't a room that was like a cell with what looked like various control panels scattered throughout the walls. I also didn't expect to be leaning on a table that was partially reclined with my ankle and wrists entrapped in metal fasteners.

I don't remember anything but falling off the cliff backwards, so how the hell did I get here? I struggled to wiggle my wrists out of the clasps, but they were too tight. I laid my head back on the table, thinking about where I was, what had happened, and what will happen. I was beginning to panic with anxiety when I heard the door behind me slide open.

There was only one set of footsteps that walked in and paused behind me. Because of my restraints I couldn't turn to see who it was, although I didn't have to because said person revealed themselves.

Walking in front of me was Kylo Ren. He was still in his cloak without the hood drawn up on his helmet, which he was also wearing. He also had a wide belt wrapped around his torso. He sat down in front of me with his forearm resting on his knees and his hands hanging between his legs as he leaned forward. He just stared at me and I back at him.

I don't know how long we stayed in that position, but I refused to be the first to speak, and I assumed he thought the same. Finally, he broke the silence that was filling the cell.

"You are the one who took our communication apparatus two months ago. I assume you gave it to the Resistance", he said. His voice was distorted by the terrifying mask that covered his entire head.

I didn't reply to his comment, I just continued to stare at him. Feeling his annoyance at my silence, he got up and took a few strides towards me and the table I was attached to.

"You know I can get any information I want from you. It will be much easier if you just explained to me who you are and where the Resistance base is located"

I couldn't move my head too much, but I was able to make my point when I turned my head away from him. This must have pissed him off because I immediately felt my entire body freeze. I couldn't move anything but my eyes. I felt my head turn back towards him and his now outstretched hand.


My body was released, but before I could sign in relief, he started to probe and pull my invisible band that was protecting my mind. I could feel him trying to remove it while I was trying to keep it on. I started to break out in sweat, with drops of it hitting my eyelashes and blurring my vision. I closed my eyes and concentrated on our internal fight. He was beginning to tear away the band by shredding it to pieces.

I was quickly beginning to lose this battle. I felt his claws grasp onto one of my memories that slipped past my barrier and into his clutches.

"You had brothers, and parents that own a shop"

I was getting weaker as he continued to destroy the protective band around my mind. Another memory slipped past my grip.

"A fabric shop"

I tried to bury the most precious memories that I had and those that were very important that he should never find once my barrier breaks.

"You have been the cause to most of our problems. You, and this pilot," he dug further, "Poe. Both of you have created setbacks, but not enough to finish the First Order"

Tears were beginning to stream down my cheeks and into my shirt. I can't keep this up much longer.

"You look at General Organa as a replacement for your mother. She would have disappointed you"

"Nobody will ever replace my mother" I said through clenched teeth. I was losing my grip on the band. He made a noise that must have been some sort of light chuckle, but his mask distorted the sound, making it more hostile.

Finally, my barrier broke and I was fully exposed to him and his burning clutches. It was as if he dived into the pool of my memories. I could feel him sift through the ones he thought were most important.

"You hate yourself, why?" He asked, but he hesitated on a memory which would answer his question. "You killed your mother"

It wasn't a question. I choked on a sob, the burning in my chest growing as he replayed and watched the memory of a child losing her mother all over again. I couldn't stand it and tried to push his sweltering claws from my mind, but to no avail.

He continued to keep his hand hovering over my head as he dug deeper into the memories I had tried to bury deep into my conscious.

"And you killed your brother"

Tears were continuing to stream down my face without stopping.

"Your family turned their backs on you because they feared you. Because they didn't want you"

The pain in my head was excruciating, but he wouldn't stop until he got the information he wanted.

I let out the smallest of whimpers before I could stop myself. I had to keep silent; I cannot show weakness.

The sound I made didn't stop him from skipping over memory after memory. Although, he abruptly stopped in the middle of a single interaction. It was a conversation between myself and General Organa when she had taken me away from my home planet. My heart raced, and my hopes dropped when I heard him say this one specific word:


He quickly extracted his menacing claws from my mind as he turned and left the room, leaving me panting, sobbing, and in pain. My self hatred burned into an intense boiling throughout my body. I wasn't strong enough to protect myself or the people of the Resistance. Reliving the moments that I had wished to forget the most was agonizing. Every detail, from the smoke of the burning house to the sound of Ghent's blood dripping onto the shop's floor, was re-experienced as if it just happened.

I don't know how long I stayed locked to the table until I heard the door open again. I stiffened, thinking it was Kylo Ren to finish his digging when I noticed multiple pairs of footsteps. It was a pair of Stormtroopers instead. On stayed near, pointing his blaster at me while the other unlocked the fasteners to my ankles and wrists. They both then grabbed me under my arms and started to drag me from the cell. I noticed two more Stormtroopers were beginning to follow us as they took me to who knows where.

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