Chapter 14 - The Training Room

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I turned to leave the hologram throne room when I saw a man standing by General Hux. I didn't recognize who it was until he bowed to the hologram and put his helmet into place. I couldn't see any details of his face, but I did notice how pale and tired he looked.

Kylo Ren waited until I was near before he turned to exit the room. The General stayed behind to report other findings to the Supreme Leader. We walked for a while in silence. I was too busy thinking about the meeting with Snoke. He was terrifying to look at and to speak to. I began to shiver from an unknown chill, which followed to me starting to hyperventilate in the middle of the hall. I needed to breath. I stopped to hold onto the wall with my hand, trying to keep my balance. I then leaned my back into the wall, trying to catch my breath. I felt like my entire world was crumbling around me. Everything from my mother's death, to being kidnapped, to the interrogation, to the ultimate betrayal from the people that I love, to the encounter with Snoke came crashing down into me.

I didn't realize I was crying until I put my hands on my face while still leaning against the wall. I was sobbing in the middle of a hallway that was somewhere on the First Order's Star Destroyer. I am pitiful. The wave of burning that was constantly in my chest spread like fire. I hate myself to the point that I just wanted to cease existing. Everything I touch seems to disintegrate in my hands.

I was still hyperventilating and crying when I felt a cool hand on my shoulder. I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand. I straightened my back and wiped another set of tears away. I sniffed one last time before I nodded my head at Ren, who still had his hand on my shoulder. He hesitated before releasing my shoulder and walking further down the hall with me following him.


I was lead back to my room, where a tray of food was waiting for me on the desk. Kylo Ren left me to eat alone, but stated he was coming back in a few hours to begin my training. After eating, I pushed the tray aside and began look at my tablet. There were hundreds of different files that I had access to, some of which were short clips of the galaxies' history. I was watching one about the extinction of the Sith when my door opened.

"I'm taking you to the training room", the metallic voice explained.

I stretched when I got up, not realizing I was sitting there for almost three hours. I turned back to my door and found it empty.

Shit, he left already

I scurried out the door, almost tripping on my boots and falling into the hallway. I looked left, then right and saw him turn the corner down the hall. My room's door closed automatically when I ran after him. I finally caught up, but just barely. I was readjusting my shirt hem when he stopped to enter the training room.

I followed after him but paused in the doorway. The first thing I saw was the large window on the opposite wall and how it showed the dark galaxy beyond it. To the left was a wall covered with different training weapons while the right had various work-out machines. The floor in the middle was covered by a mat. The room was large enough to support a miniature legion of Stormtroopers.

"You will arrive here twice a day. Once will be during the early hours where you will exercise using the equipment. You will break for a meal, study, and to rest back in your own room. In the later hours of the day you will return here to train with me."

I was looking out at the stars while he was explaining my new schedule.


I was startled back into reality when he said my name. Him saying my name with his mask echoed in my mind. I turned to face him, "I understand."

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