Chapter 18 - The Code of the Sith

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I don't know how much time had passed while we threw our ideas back and forth. Kylo Ren leaned back in his chair after he had eventually pushed it closer to the side of my bed. This way we were not having a conversation from across the room

"So, this band", he said while making quotation marks with his hand, "that your mother placed around you is supposedly protecting you from using the force, but this 'band' isn't something that is permanent, as we have seen multiple times."

"I apologized for the time in the training room", I said. I had pulled my knees up to my chest while listening intently to Kylo's different theories as to why the force was so extreme each time I had used it.

"Maybe it's because you were not exposed to it until you were what, fifteen?", he asked while pulling his pale hands through his dark hair.

"It's possible. It could also be a combination of my ancestors and the lack of exposure", I said while pulling at a string on my comforter.

"True, but it also seems to be triggered by your anger", he said rather simply. He looked at me with his dark brown eyes, waiting for my response.

I looked away from him. I couldn't let him see the pain and hatred I had within me. Not that he didn't already know about my past. I tried to keep my features and feelings contained within me so that I wasn't so open with my emotional state.

"You don't have to hide from me", he whispered.

I looked back at him with visible confusion written on my face.

"You don't have to hide your feelings. Being passionate about your feelings, that being anger, irritation, wrath, and even sadness is what fuels the dark side. The Sith had a code that has been taught from master to apprentice. Though the Sith have been extinct since the fall of Darth Vader, I was still taught the morals of the Sith. Their code states that peace is a lie and that there is only passion.

"Your passion is what will power your energy and connection with the force. In time, once your body has healed, I will show you the ways of the dark side. I will show you how to control the force and bend it to your will. I will show you how to fight and to protect yourself. Soon, you will be more than my apprentice."

I was speechless. Is it possible that one day I could control this band and the force?

Ren's hologram that was still sitting on my desk with now three empty trays of food started to signal that he had an oncoming message. He made an audible sigh and went over to answer it. I could tell it was General Hux. I couldn't hear exactly what was being said, but after they ended the connection Kylo turned back to me, "I need to leave."


"Your alarms have been reset back to your watch. You begin training again tomorrow", he said as he put his robe and helmet back on.

I nodded my head in understanding. With that, he turned and left my room.

I felt exhausted, but in a good way. I was now able to walk over to the bathroom without any difficulty. I completed my nightly routine and crawled back into the bed.

I was drifting to sleep when I heard a group of voices whispering a verse over and over. I was paralyzed, like I was frozen in place while my mind was wide awake. The voices would transition from being loud to quite like they were riding a wave.

I didn't register what they were saying until I woke up in a sweat in the middle of the night. I woke because a voice sounded like they were right beside me. I sat up quickly, seeing a visibly dark figure standing in the corner. It wasn't just in my mind that I saw him, like I did when I was submitting to the darkness of my mind. He was whispering the same verse the voices were earlier. He was the same voice that said, "push him", in the training room.

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