Chapter 9 - The Cell

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The cell I was put into was a simple rectangular room that contained a single metal shelf and a metal toilet. The two stormtroopers who had dragged me from the interrogation room dropped me unceremoniously onto the cold floor. I didn't see them walk out, but I heard the door slide shut and lock.

I continued to lay on the floor, too weak to move. I laid there listening to my heartbeat slowly start to return to its normal rate while also listening to the quiet hum of the ship. I determined I must be on the First Order's Finalizer.

Finally, I sat up once my arms that were under me began to lose feeling. Taking a more concentrated look at my cell I noticed the floors had thousands of miniature raised X shapes into the metal and when I glanced at the walls I noticed they were the same. At least the makeshift shelf of a bed was smooth.

I slowly got up, the pain in my leg causing me to take it slowly. Once on the bed I decided to locate and access my wounds. Not bad, I thought to myself after looking at the damage. I only had a few minor abrasions and bruises on my arms, shoulders, torso, and parts of my legs. As for my right thigh, I found a moderate hematoma starting with a surrounding area of bruising just above my scar. Better than any broken bones or lost limbs.

I decided to use my jacket as a makeshift pillow and tried to get as comfortable as possible, which was easier said than done. I felt like my mind was still on fire. I could still feel his burning fingers scrape across my mind digging for memories he deemed acceptable for information. The band that was ever present around my mind was slowly repairing itself from the massive intrusion it had experienced. I turned onto my side towards the wall, feeling involuntary hot tears running down my nose and into my ear and hair. Too tired to think further on my situation, I fell into a restless sleep.

I don't know how long it was until I heard the door slide open again. With my back facing the door I didn't see who it was, and at this point I didn't care; I just wanted to sleep. I heard a scraping noise, which was followed by the door sliding shut and locking again. I rolled over and saw a metal tray with what looked to be like food and a metal cup with liquid. Ignoring it, I rolled back over and tried to sleep again.

Overtime, I head the tray being taken away and replaced twice. With this knowledge I assumed it was almost a full two days since I had been taken. I felt like I was going crazy, but I kept as calm as possible.

I started to feel disgusting. I needed a shower or a bath to wash my skin and unruly curly hair. This is going to be a bitch to comb.

I was sitting up on the shelf when the fourth tray arrived via two Stormtroopers. The one carrying the tray hesitated when he saw me awake, but he came in, grabbed the still filled tray and replaced it with the fresh one. Once the door locked I got up stiffly and crouched by the food. I sniffed the contents of the cup first and not smelling anything atrocious I took a sip. After I had deemed it drinkable I downed the contents in a few long gulps. I then glanced at what could only be described as a grey lump. I poked my smallest finger in it and sniffed it. That too had no scent, so I licked it off my finger. It didn't have a taste to it either, so I finished that too.

As soon as the tray was empty I returned to the bed. This would be a great time to test the strength of my newly formed band and see if I could connect with the force. Crossing my legs and leaning against the wall I began by taking deep, meditative breaths like the General had taught me all those years ago. Concentrating on that rubber band wrapped around my mind. I could feel the force as if it was waiting for me to stretch the band, allowing it to enter. Patiently it waited while I started to sweat from the excursion. The band seemed to be wrapped tenfold around my head, not allowing myself or the force to budge it. Shit.

Giving up I dangled my legs off the shelf and thought of what to do with my spare time. Just when my eyes began to droop again, the door to the cell slid open. Thinking it was too soon to have the trays swapped I opened my eyes out of curiosity. When I did I audibly gasped. Standing and now striding towards me was the same man who's claw like fingers scoured my mind.

He stopped about three feet from the shelf. He just stared at me from under his helmet, not saying anything. I was too scared to break eye contact and just sat there notably trembling.

"We are leaving", he said. A Stormtrooper came in and placed cuffs around my wrists. With that he turned on his heels and started to walk back down the hallway away from the cell.

I got off the shelf stiffly, trying to keep up with him and his long strides. He must have noticed me falling behind because he slowed his pace so that I was able to soon catch up with him. After turning and twisting down multiple hallways we finally made it to our destination.

I looked behind Kylo Ren and found that we were in the largest hangers I had ever seen. It seemed as if hundreds of ships were just waiting to take off into space from the wide-open area that led into the massive darkness. I was too awestruck to notice that Kylo Ren had begun to walk down the steps to get to the landing bay where a ship looked prepared for takeoff.

After catching up with him again, I noticed a tall and slender man walk up besides the Knight of Ren. He was notably pale with flaming red hair. Only seeing one other person with this much fire in their hair I couldn't help but stare.

"General Hux", Kylo Ren said as he barely acknowledged his presence.

"We are close to our destination, you just need to travel down to the planet with your TIE-Fighter", said the red-haired man.

The masked man didn't say anything as he turned and began to walk up the hatch and into his ship. This was when General Hux, who looked like someone of power glanced at me. He seemed taken aback, but he quickly recovered and masked his face from any emotion. I bet I looked like absolute shit, which was probably why he looked shocked. He turned to leave, making that my cue to follow Ren into the ship.

"Sit and do not leave this position", I was ordered by the voice in the mask. I sat down on one of the seats. I was struggling with putting the restraints on when Kylo Ren came over to me and buckled them. Even though he did this to keep me safe, my cheeks still flamed a deep crimson. He looked at me with the slightest tilt of his helmet in what I could only guess was curiosity. This only made my cheeks get even more red. I removed my eyes from his mask and looked towards the cockpit. He got up and sat on the opposite wall, but he didn't lock himself in place. With that the ship took off from the Star Destroyer and to our destination.

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