Chapter 10 - A Supernova of Power

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We landed with a dull thud. Poe would have done a better job.

As the hatch began to lower, I was unbuckled from my seat by Kylo Ren. I watch his hands move to unclasp the buckle instead of looking through the eyepiece of his mask. Once released he steps back, allowing me to get up from the seat and walk down the ramp. Once outside I was met by a slight cool breeze mixed with the warm air. It felt like the time for the harvest on my home planet. I looked around and I immediately recognized where we had landed. I was standing close to where I last saw my father.

I was home.

I looked back at the TIE-Fighter and at Kylo Ren, who was beginning to walk down the hatch. He came up to me, took my wrists, and unclasped the cuffs. Is he dropping me off? What is he doing? As if reading my mind, which I'm sure he was, he answered, "You need to see something."

This comment made me instantly anxious. Without thinking I began to run towards the hills and towards the town I once called home. Where we had landed was the same clearing that General Organa and Poe had picked me up about ten years ago. It took about a day's journey to get from the clearing back to my home.

Taking off I heard the Stormtroopers who followed us in different ships begin to raise their blasters and point them at me. Ren must have stopped them with a hand signal because I didn't hear them fire.

I know he and a group of Stormtroopers were following me through the forest, but I didn't care. I was going home. I thought about Delmon and Kael, but most of all I thought about Zuke. My brothers were many years older than me when I was born, so I hoped that Zuke had found someone special and had started a family. Thinking about this possibility made me pick up my pace. I was excited to finally see my family.

General Organa thought it would be best that I had stopped all forms of contact and communication with my family after what happened with Ghent. She said this was a request made by my father, which she had agreed with. It was hard not having contact with them at first, but soon the void that was made when I left them was slowly being filled by the people that made the Resistance.

I started to grow tired when I noticed light was beginning to emerge from the trees behind me and the group that was following me. I knew I was getting closer to the place I once called home.

I made it to a clearing that I had spent many hours exploring as a child, but something was missing. It took me a moment to notice how there wasn't a single insect or creature that was making a noise. An eerily quiet hush was blanketed over the area.

Although it was getting brighter out, I felt more than saw a heavy darkness surround me. I now walked through the heaviness until I started to see the tops of different buildings that made up the edges of the town. Something just didn't seem to sit right as I continued my journey towards the center of the town. My feet soon switched from dirt to cobblestone as I made it through the more populated areas. Or what should have been populated; not a soul was in sight.

I finally breached the center of town and what I was met with nearly had me collapse to my knees.

It seemed the majority of town had gathered at the center. A linear row of bodies could be perceived as if a firing squad had finished them. This must have caused chaos because scattered throughout were decayed bodies of men, women, and even children. They were everywhere, like they were trying to run away, but were not fast enough. They had no weapons, so whoever attacked were killing innocent people.

Looking around at the bodies, I noticed the buildings were charred, like they were burned long ago. The cobblestones were splattered with dried blood that had turned a brownish color.

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