Chapter 39 - The End

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Author's note: Please don't hate me...

My last few moments until I was defeated went by in a blur. I don't remember details, though there are points that were so vivid it was as if I could smell the burning flesh, could hear the imploding planet and cries of pain, that I could still see the anguish writing on the face of my once lover.

When clarity struck, I felt enlightened. It was as if I possessed the simplicity of thought, similar to a child. It was so simple; so black and white, light and dark, good and evil. I had to finish the destruction that grasped onto me like opposite poles of a magnet. For over two decades I was running from ruins that were created in my life, though with this single moment of pure lucidity, I knew the choice I had to make.

I fought Kylo Ren as if my very life depended on it, though it wasn't my life I had the urge to fight for. The realization that I was truly alone brought me to a striking reality that crushed me.

I fought Kylo because I needed to feel something, and at that point it was pure anger and rage. It was this polluted way of thinking that eventually lead me to my final choice.

The combat between us lasted for only moments, though years felt like they were going by. I was too enclosed in myself that I failed to notice the very planet I was standing on was in its eminent point of obliteration. During this one-on-one fighting scene between Kylo and I, my once flight partner was preparing the chain reaction of explosions. The now fully, physically healed Poe Dameron was flying to the conduit as I was being pushed over a newly formed ravine.

Ren and I had fought until my heels were on the edge of the reaction. He leaned over me while pushing his lightsaber against mine. Red against burgundy. The lights were reflecting off our two very different eyes; his being brown and mine yellow. He begged me to stop, for him to explain. There was no use of him asking for forgiveness, especially at that particular moment. This begging had ignited another wave of rage that allowed me to push him into a defensive position.

I had attacked with a fury and anger as if someone had possessed me, though I know I was alone in my subconscious. The Sith Lords had completed their jobs. I was now a puppet without strings. I was trained and ready to lead the Sith like once before. Like the many Arcinias before me.

Ren tried to fight, but from his previous wound made by the Wookiee, he was quickly growing weak. This allowed me to lacerate his leg and pierce his left shoulder. He faltered backwards and landed onto his side. I stepped near him, but he was able to regain himself. He had the audacity to grip onto my wrist, but I was faster. I ended up pushing Ren's lightsaber into the ground, causing his Kyber crystal to grow unstable. What I didn't realize at the time was the crystal had cracked, making the once powerful weapon just a little weaker.

Finally, his arm that was holding his saber gave out, causing both of us to lean towards his right. I found this pristine opportunity to bring my darker colored lightsaber and slash through the air, making contact through his right clavicle up to the left side of his forehead in a diagonal fashion.

Then everything was silent. I couldn't even hear my own heartbeat that was pounding in my chest. It was just this pure, beautiful silence. And alas, this was when my clarity struck. Every tight grip that the Sith lords had onto me vanished; as if it evaporated like water. This was when I made the decision to complete this viscous cycle that followed me.

Ghent was right from the beginning. I deserved to die.

I had felt the ground shifting. Then, quicker than I had time to comprehend, the ground split, causing Kylo and I to become separated by another ravine. I could see him sitting up to watch me. His good arm reached out towards me, as if he already knew what my plan was.

I felt a single tear slowly run down my cheek and to the bridge of my nose. I had closed my eyes; not bearing to see his face. His beautiful face that I had mutilated. I then took the heterogenous hilt of my burgundy lightsaber with both hands. I turned it, so the blade was facing downwards towards the ground.

I breathed in. I breathed out.

I took the ignited lightsaber and penetrated it through my abdomen until it reached the cold air behind me. 

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