Chapter 27 - A Heavy Burden

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The man's brows furrowed in confusion. He tried to mouth the word 'what' with difficulty for his face was turning from red to a bluish shade.

The woman dropped Poe, allowing him to fall onto the ground. He choked until he caught his breath. He tried to reach for his blaster, but he wasn't fast enough. The woman used the force and drew the gun into her own hand. Another follower of the Resistance started to run to her from behind, but she swiped her arm in front of her, causing the man to fly into the building from which he didn't move again once he fell.

She grasped Poe's throat again with the force, "Delmon", she said as she tossed him against one of the building's walls. She picked him back up, "Kael", she threw him in the opposite direction.

He was on the edge of unconsciousness. The woman used the force and picked him up again, but she became distracted as an orange and white droid kept rolling and hitting her leg. While the man was still in the air, the woman was able to pick the droid up, "BB-8."

"Don't touch him", the man struggled to say while his feet dangled three feet in the air. The woman who still crouched down while holding the droid slowly turned her head towards the man who was now her enemy. She tilted her head, her now yellow eyes glinting while she flashed a smile that could curdle milk, "It's not as if you're in any position to give orders, Dameron."

She stood straight while still grasping the struggling droid. She turned with her back towards Poe so that she had a greater distance. She stuck the droid out with her arms so that she could kick the metal ball with more force than a human should possess.

She turned back towards the dangling man, allowing him to drop to the ground. She went and physically grasped his shirt, so she could look at him in the eyes. She punched him over and over, until she was looking at a something that didn't represent a face.

A single tear left her eye when she dropped the unconscious man, "Ghent", was all she whispered.


I felt like my head was being split into two. It was as if I blanked or zoned out for a minute, though I followed everything that happened. I watched as I choked Poe, kicked BB-8, then finally beat Poe's face to a pulp. Although, I don't remember controlling my arms and legs to do that. It was like I was asleep and watching a dream that I couldn't control unfold before me.

I wiped my nose with my right arm's armor because it was bleeding heavily. The pain in my left arm was practically debilitating, but I needed to find Kylo. I left Poe laying on the ground, his face hardly recognizable. I couldn't look at him, instead I dug around his pockets until I found his locater. I pushed it on and dropped it by his boot.

I felt exhausted, but I needed to find the other officers and Kylo. It sounded like I was getting my hearing back, though the left side was far more dull than the right. More bombs than the one in the central hall must of gone off, because it seemed as if half the city was destroyed.

I stumbled towards the edge of the town. I remember parts of buildings that we had passed when we searched the outer rim of the city the day before. As I got closer to the edge, the thicker the fighting became. I felt a couple blaster shots hit my back, but the half-melted armor protected me from any serious damage. I just can't be shot in the head.

I trudged on, feeling like I was moving through water. I finally focused on the bodies that surrounded me. It seemed like an even match between our Stormtroopers and the Resistance. I stumbled and tripped over a dark mass I didn't see because it was casted by the shadow of the collapsed and destroyed buildings. I was pulling myself up to my knees when I recognized the metal cylinder laying next to the open, gloved hand.

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