Chapter 30 - A Gift

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Star Killer Base had very similar hallways with the Star Destroyer. It was interesting to think the First Order having only one decorator on hand. I swallowed back a laugh, I must be going insane.

Kylo led us to a door that was guarded by two Stormtroopers, which I assumed must be the chamber that contained the ominous hologram of Snoke. The automatic door opened, allowing us to walk through.

There was a dark walkway without railings on either side that lead to a large open area at the end of the hall. Upon our entrance, the hologram beamed down, showing the Supreme Leader. Kylo immediately went to the knee, which caused me to follow.

"Kylo of the Knights of Ren and Nymeria Arcinia", boomed the deep voice.

I glanced up under my lashes to see him glaring down at me from his throne. We both stood up, preparing ourselves for what was to come.

"Darth Arcinia. You performed well on your first mission to the First Order. It shows that your training has become successful. As for you, Kylo Ren. You fell during battle and had your inexperienced apprentice rescue you. This is a disappointment."

I could feel the waves of anger rolling off Kylo, but I refused to look at him while in the presence of this hologram.

"Your collapse will remain between a chosen few, but if I hear of it happening again, I will not hesitate to make your apprentice my own as your replacement."

With this Kylo physically flinched before he nodded once.

"Arcinia, you will continue training under Kylo Ren. You showed proof of your loyalty, which will be rewarded", his last word echoed in the hall as the hologram turned off. I could tell Kylo was fuming, so I waited for him to leave so that I could follow.

We had to ride in an elevator in order to reach the council members on another floor. Once we were alone, Kylo threw his helmet on the ground before he punched the wall with his fist, causing the lights to flicker off and sparks to fly out from the wall.

I still didn't say anything, even when the elevator stopped. He must have been using the force because the doors didn't open. Even with the sparks it was too hard to see him. I didn't care if he was pissed, so I reached out and found his arm. He flinched away, but I refused to let go. I brushed my hand up to his shoulder until I was able to push against him so that he would turn. He did so with slight reluctance. I then took a step until I wrapped my arms around his torso and leaned my head against his chest.

I could faintly hear his heartbeat, which was running a little too fast. I never noticed this before, but he has this very distinct smell that instantly calmed me, even though I was not anxious or angry. I squeezed him just a bit before I went to release my arms, though I didn't get the chance before he crushed me against him. He buried his face in my braided hair and inhaled. He instantly became lax against me.

I waited a moment before asking, "Kylo, isn't the council still waiting on us?"

"Fuck the council."

"As much as I would love to bypass their meeting, you know this isn't possible."

I felt and heard him deeply inhale before he made a dramatic sigh. He released me so that he could replace his helmet. I grabbed his hand once his face was fully covered and kissed his knuckles, "I didn't save your ass so that you could break your own bones."

I could feel his glare, even though I couldn't see it. The elevator doors opened before I could get a chance to cover up my blurted statement. I let him walk out first with me following to the council chambers.

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