Chapter 26 - Disoriented

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I woke up hearing sobbing from the other side of the room. Instinctively, I put my hand on Kylo's side of the bed, feeling that it was cold and empty. I sat up, immediately seeing a figure sitting in one of the plush chairs against the side of the wall. I pulled the sheet around me as I carefully walked over to Kylo.

He was sitting on the edge of the chair with his head bent, his hands holding his face. I gently pressed my hand onto his shoulder. This made him flinch first, then once he realized it was me, he pulled me against him.

Just like the last time, I cradled his head against my stomach as I brushed my fingers through his soft, dark hair. Without realizing it, I began to hum the lullaby that my mother sang to me. Kylo's shoulders slowly stopped shaking until he was still again. I stopped humming and took both of his hands, pulling him towards the bed. The sheet slipped away from my form, but I continued to walk, not caring if he saw me bare.

I laid back onto the pillows as he gently laid on top of me. His head rested at the base of my sternum, which caused his hair to splay across my breasts.

"Do you remember the words?", he asked as he got comfortable. Because of his height compared to mine, his legs went far past my feet. This allowed me to wrap one of my legs over his upper thigh and for my hands to lightly run through his hair like before.

"I only remember the first couple verses", I replied as I pulled the remaining covers over us both.

"Could you sing them to me?", he asked in a whisper.

"Of course."

I sang to Kylo Ren, the Commander of the First Order, to sleep. Both of us finally being able to sleep without dreams.


The morning was still early, but Kylo and I began to dress in our armor. He was fully dressed before I even had half of my suit on.

"Would you like assistance?"

I was glaring at the piece in my hands, "No, I need to figure this out", I replied before realizing this piece was part of the shin piece and not my forearm. I threw the piece in frustration while Kylo just watched my outburst.

I quickly composed myself, "I apologize. I'm not angry at you, I just have a bad feeling."

Kylo didn't miss a beat and continued as if I didn't just throw a piece of my armor, "I need to report to Hux about our minimal findings. Apparently, our new base is completed. We are to return there after this mission instead of the Star Destroyer", he said while placing the hologram away, "I'll let you finish getting ready and I'll meet you outside with the officers." Kylo grabbed his helmet to walk out of the room. Before he left he paused and turned to look at me. He smiled at me instead of smirking before he left me alone in the room.

I continued to get ready. I braided my curls into two separate braids, or I at least tried. I made a mental note to cut my hair when we got home.

Home, what an odd thought.

I placed the helmet on and checked the mirror in the bedroom before I left. I passed a couple Stormtroopers who were preparing for bed since they kept watch overnight. They all saluted me while some even mumbled 'Darth Arcinia'.

This boosted my pride and confidence. My earlier feelings of anxiety and dread was forgotten as I was practically skipping outside to the group of officers awaiting orders. Upon my approach they stood at attention and saluted.

"At ease", I state. They relaxed a bit, but still stood at attention, "Today will be very similar from yesterday. Your tablets have assigned you and your groups a specific color that also outlines where you will be searching. Report back immediately if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or if you've found something."

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