Chapter 32 - Beg For It

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Ok, don't hate me... but I messed up and skipped a chapter. This was so unintentional. I am so sorry!

*Mature Content*

I spun around with me automatically getting into my defensive stance. My lightsaber feeling like an extension of my arm while I was prepared to attack. But it wasn't necessary because standing in the doorway was a very astonished red headed General.

I turned off the weapon and attached it back to my belt. I stood there with my hands behind my back, waiting for him to speak first, but it seemed as if he was still stunned.

"Can I help you General Hux?", I asked with a raised brow.

"Actually, yes. The Commander requests your presence. He is having a meeting with the Council", he replied quickly, masking his features as well.

"Lead the way then", I said, gesturing with my hand towards the door.

He turned and began walking down the hall. I caught up with him and began to walk side-by-side down the hall. I caught him glancing down at me, which didn't bother me. Though I wasn't used to this type of attention, I knew that I was not in any danger. I knew how to defend myself.

He seemed nervous, and tired. I felt pity for him because of the way he was treated by Kylo. I was going to begin to make small talk when he stopped walking. I looked around and noticed we were not near a door and he was in the middle of the hallway.

Before I could ask anything, he spoke first, "Who are you?"

"I beg pardon?"

"Don't play games. You heard exactly what I said."

He still wasn't quite looking at me, more like at the wall beside me. "I am Darth Arcinia and you are General Hux. May we continue", I asked sarcastically.

He apparently didn't like my response because he turned fully towards me and bent slightly so her could stare at me in the eyes, "Why you, of all people. The force doesn't choose anyone lightly. So again, who are you?"

This shocked me, because I honestly didn't have an answer, "I don't know."

This seemed to satisfy him because he went back to his full height and continued on walking towards the meeting. Upon entering, my gaze automatically found Kylo. He was standing at the end of a long table that was full of the council members. These were the same people who watched the surveillance video from my first mission.

The meeting was to review the information found about Luke Skywalker. Supposedly, there was a remote desert planet that had a very small village in which a single man held information that could lead to his whereabouts. This sounded to me like a lot of faith is being put onto this single person, but I'm not the leader and I know to keep quiet.

Plus, I was still going over the conversation with Hux and the fact that I got my Kyber crystal to turn.  The meeting droned on, but I continued to stand at attention near the back wall. I watched the reactions of those that I could see while I also zoned out.

Finally, the meeting was over. I stayed where I was until the last council member left, leaving me alone with Kylo. He didn't remove his helmet, but he gestured me to follow him out of the room.

I followed him back to our room. He took off his mask and collapsed into the plush chair. "Did you have a long day?"

He rubbed his face, then placed his head on his hands while his elbows rested on his thighs,
"A very, very long day. How was yours?", he asked while his face was still in his hands.

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