Chapter 6 - The Resistance Base

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I woke up when I heard a little alarm coming from the wall next to the bed. I guessed it was motion censored because it turned off when I sat up to investigate it. I then stretched, rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and got out of bed.

Heading to the bathroom I found drawers inside the walls, which contained towels, washcloths, and bottles of soaps for my hair and skin. After taking a rather long, hot shower I got dressed and braided my curly hair into a single braid down my back. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror.

I was lacing and buckling my boots when I heard a knock at my door. I hit the button to open it, which revealed Poe and his rolling side kick. "Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be", I replied.

He raised a brow like a champion; I wonder who taught him that? As my thoughts started to drift towards Zuke, Poe missed the hallway that lead to the stairs. He must have sensed my hesitation because he turned to look at me, "We are going to head to the mess hall. All of the halls connect underground. Also, the weather is pretty shitty due to a storm, so I decided we'll take the tunnels. There is another flight of stairs to get to the mess hall a floor above us"

"Sounds good to me"

We walked for a bit in silence until Poe struck up the conversation again. "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good, the room is nice"

"Good, I picked it out myself"

That comment led to what seemed like an angry amount of beeping from the droid. "Sorry, we picked it out for you"

"How can you understand him?"

"I've known BB-8 for a while now, I guess just over time I learned to understand the hunk of metal" This was met by a content sounding tone from the orange and white droid.

"I'm sure you'll pick up his different tones quick enough", Poe comments, "We're almost there"

I started to hear the wave of voices that were reverberating off the walls. As the crowd of voices grew louder, the more nervous I got. This would be the first time I was surrounded by strangers. I had no idea how much they knew about me and if they had already settled on an opinion about me. We turned a corner and entered a rather large hall that was filled with tables, chairs, and people. Many didn't seem to notice or care when we walked in. Poe led us to a table towards the side of the hall and signaled me to sit down.

"I'm going to grab us a tray of food. BB-8 will stay with you"

I nodded in understanding, looking around me warily. For the first time since I was a child I wasn't met with glares of hatred. Some looked at me curiously, but only for a moment before they returned to their food or personal conversations.

Poe finally came back with two trays piled with food and two cups of liquid. Whatever was on the trays smelled delicious. I tried to eat slowly, but everything was too good to not shovel down. Poe sort of stared at me for a second before chuckling to himself and began eating.

Once we were done Poe took the trays to the back of the hall where a conveyer belt took them back to be washed. "Alright, let's get you to the council room to meet with the General"

We began our trek to the council meeting room where we were met with a group of people and General Organa.

"Ah, Nymeria. Welcome to the head council of the Resistance"

I nodded hello to the people in the room, who either looked at me with interest, distrust, or indifference.

"We meet here today to discuss your position with the Resistance. If you are to stay here with us, you must have a job to help support the cause. Hence, Nymeria, we would like to know if you have any specific requests for your future position"

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