Chapter 35 - A Failed Interrogation

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"Nym", I heard a whisper and felt my shoulder being shaken lightly.

I moaned and rolled over. I was falling back to sleep when I heard the whisper again, "Nymeria."

I opened my eyes and rolled back towards the voice. Crouched down to my eye level was Kylo. He looked distraught and troubled. Immediately I reached out and brushed my fingers through his hair.

"I am so sorry Nym."

"Shh. What's done is done. I forgive you."

He quickly removed his shoes and robes before crawling into bed next to me. He seemed most comfortable when he laid his head just below my breasts with his arms wrapped around my back. I stroked his face and hair, feeling calm myself.

I was beginning to drift back to sleep, my eyelids feeling like they weighed a ton. "Please don't ever leave me", he whispered.

I opened my eyes. I paused the movement of my hand in his hair, "Why would I leave you?"

He looked up at me, "Just promise me Nym. Please", he set his head back down, "I couldn't bear it if you left." I felt him begin to shake, realizing he was crying and trembling.

I motioned him to come closer to me by gently pulling on his back and shoulders. He hesitated at first, but then he crawled a bit so that he was level with me. I gripped onto the back of his neck and gently kissed him. He didn't react to it until I pulled his bottom lip with my teeth.

"Kylo Ren

He rested his head back onto my abdomen when I gently laid back down. I was closing my eyes again when I heard him whisper, "My name is Ben Solo."

By that point I was too far gone to respond.


I woke up with the bed empty and cold where Kylo would have been. I stretched and sat up. The room was dark, which allowed me to see the blinking light from the desk. I pulled the blankets and sheets back and got out of bed. After straightening my nightgown, I walked over to the desk and saw that it was the hologram.

I turned it on, finding a quick 'note' from Kylo to meet him in the interrogation room. The map to the location was already programed into my tablet.

I quickly got dressed and braided my hair. I finished strapping my boots on and grabbed the tablet before leaving. The directions were simple enough. I finally found myself outside a door guarded by a single Stormtrooper. He nodded his helmet in acknowledgement before tapping something onto his arm. Soon, the door opened to reveal Kylo in his helmet.

He gestured for me to follow him. I walked into the small room, finding that a table that was perpendicular with the floor had someone strapped onto it. This brought back a flash of memories from when I was initially interrogated in a room very similar to this. Flashbacks of the pain from it made me break out into a cold sweat. Kylo walked around to sit in front of this person. I followed him while also looking at the prisoner.

The prisoner was female. Her skin was tanned as if she spent the majority of her time in the sun. She had similar colored hair with mine, though her hair was made up into buns at the back of her head. I noticed she was also unconscious. Her outfit was a tan robe with leggings. It was simple and seemed easy to maneuver around in.

"Who is she?", I asked as I glanced behind me to see that Kylo was sitting with his elbows resting on his thighs, "She is a nobody. I want you to practice your interrogation strategies. It doesn't matter if she feels you looking. Stand behind the table until I am ready."

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