Chapter 22 - A New Uniform

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Instead of returning to my room after the meeting with the Supreme Leader, I went to the hologram room. I practice using the lightsaber until I blew away the anger I had inside me. I didn't like this title. It was a name for someone that is powerful with the dark side, which I didn't know if I was. I know I had a specific connection with the force, but I couldn't feel if it was either dark or light. I know the little history of my ancestors through General Organa, but we never discussed this further after that initial ride to the Resistance Base.

I paused the program so that I could think for a moment. The Arcinia lineage contained many beings who were connected with the dark side of the force. Apparently, they killed those who leaned more towards the light side or those who just simply refused to join them.

I didn't even know which of my mother's parents was an Arcinia. I didn't know anyone other than my mother.

I was sitting against the wall with my head sitting on my knees when I heard someone walk in. I didn't have to look up to know who it was. During our hours of training, I learned to feel Kylo through the force before I had to actually see him. I glanced up to see that he was removing his helmet, which he sat beside him as he slid down the wall to sit beside me.

"Hux told me you had a meeting with the Supreme Leader", he stated while getting comfortable on the floor.

I put my head back down on my knees while my arms that were wrapped around them tightened, "I did."

"Care to elaborate?"

"Care to tell me why you've told Snoke about my vision?"

"Supreme Leader Snoke, and because of his title it was his right to know", he replied. I could tell he was getting angry, so I just dropped the argument.

"The Supreme Leader decided I needed my title changed from that of an officer to one of a Sith apprentice."

He took in a sharp breath, which made me realize he didn't know about Snoke's plan, "What is your new title?"

I turned my head while it was still rested on my knees so that I could see his reaction when I told him, "Darth Arcinia."

He masked his emotions well, but I could tell by the slight twitch in his lower eyelid that he disapproved.

"You don't like it?", I whispered.

"I didn't think you were ready for such a title, and one that a vision gave you."

"Not just a vision, but also from the shadow and the voices."

"You're hearing voices too? Why didn't you tell me?", he was definitely angry now. He looked at me while gripping onto the top of his helmet. I knew he was about to throw it, so I said the first thing that came to my mind, "I was afraid that I was going insane and because of this, you might not want me as an apprentice."

He closed his eyes while taking the bridge of his nose with the hand that wasn't gripping the helmet. He released his breath after holding it for a moment, "We'll discuss the voices later, right now I guess with your new title you'll need a new outfit."

"What's wrong with what I have on?", I asked, glancing down at my clothes. I had on the usual pair of grey boots, black leggings, and shirt with the First Order symbol on the sleeve.

"It is not suitable for a newly labeled Sith apprentice."

"Alright, what is your idea then?"

He stood up with his helmet in one hand, while the other was gestured towards me to take, "You'll just have to come and see."


I followed Ren through multiple hallways, which I grew lost by our third turn. We walked in silence, which was fine, because I needed to think about this new title. I was wrapped up in my thoughts when I bumped into Kylo's back, signifying that he had stopped. He punched in a few numbers on the key pad, which caused the door to open.

Walking in, I noticed there was a desk at the center of the room. We went up to it, which must have signaled for three droids to appear from the walls. Kylo handed them a chip, which one of them took. It processed whatever was on that chip and began to come near me. I backed up instinctively before I felt a hand on my lower back.

"They just need to scan you for measurements", Kylo said though his helmet.

I nodded my head while turning to face the three droids. They began to surround me while scanning my body. This took less than a minute before they disappeared back inside the walls.

Kylo turned and started to leave the room, "That's it?"

"All they needed was the measurements, from there they will create the suit, which I gave them the design."

"Alright", I replied as I followed him back into the hallway, "when will it be finished?"

"Sometime in the morning, which is good because if alterations need to be made, we'll having time before the mission to fix it."

"What mission?"

He paused, then continued to walk stating, "I must have forgotten to tell you. You are scheduled for your first mission tomorrow. We will be leaving around the same time we have our lessons."

We, so I wasn't going alone.

"I'll send you more details once the suit arrives tomorrow."

We started back the way we came until we reached my room. He put in the keycode, which opened the door. He gestured for me to enter first. I went over to my desk, not knowing what to do. Why am I suddenly nervous?

I heard Kylo behind me, but I remained looking at my tablet that was in its usual spot on the desk. I heard the hiss of his helmet being removed then a 'clank' as he dropped it on the ground. I felt him approach me from behind, which caused me to turn around.

He was closer to me than I thought he would be. He was easily a foot taller than I was, which allowed him to lean towards me better. We gazed into each other's eyes, each assessing the other's soul. I saw the pain he was trying to mask in his brown eyes while I'm sure mine was just as mirrored.

"You have the most astonishing eyes", he said while gently placing a hand to my flaming cheek, "The left has more brown than blue, but yet, they also look green."

"My mother used to say I had the whole world in my eyes", I whispered. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. Why did I just tell him that?

"My father told me my eyes were brown because I was full of shit."

I cracked a smile and snickered unintentionally due to the fact that I was not expecting that comment. The corner of his mouth tilted up in a smile too. I tried to hold in a laugh by rolling my lips in between my teeth, but I couldn't help it. I laughed for the first time in months, which felt amazing. I laughed so hard I made a little snort, which caused Kylo to begin snickering. I put my hand over my mouth, mumbling an apology.

I went to wipe a tear away from laughing so hard, but he beat me to it. As he was wiping the stray away, I took a deep breath and smiled at him. This was when he leaned down so that our lips were level, but he hesitated. He pressed his forehead to mine for a moment before he kissed me.

It was a slow kiss at first, one that allowed the heat between us to slowly burn. I instinctively wrapped one arm around his neck while the other I placed on his jawline. His hands were to both sides of my face, but quickly moved to my neck and lower back. We both fought for dominance, but I quickly gave up, allowing him to set the pace.

I slightly pushed him away so that I could breath. We still had our foreheads pressed together, trying to catch our breaths. I leaned back a little so that I could look in his eyes, "Kylo?"

"I don't think I'll have the strength to stop if we continue."

Without thinking, I replied, "Then don't."

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