Chapter 31 - Make it Bleed

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*Author's note*  Guys, I'm super pumped where this is going! I just typed a "holy shit" moment in a future chapter and I can't wait for you all to read it. 

"Why don't you open it in our room?", Kylo asked.

Our room.

"Alright", I replied as I released the latches. I tucked the box under my arm preparing to leave. I glanced at the larger box on the floor. "You can leave that. I'll have someone drop it off."

I smiled at him before I turned and began to leave the room. I heard him replace his helmet before he followed me. Once back to our room I was practically bouncing with excitement.

"Can I open it now?"

"Yes", he replied while he sat on one of the plush chairs, removing his helmet again.

I set the box on the desk and finally unlatched the two metal latches. I opened the lid, letting it glide smoothly against its hinges. The padding was soft; similar to what my suit was cushioned against. Laying snuggly in place was an odd looking cylinder.

It was as if someone had let a tree branch grow around a metal pole. The two materials were enfolded around each other. Organic against metal. I traced my finger from one end to the next, feeling that it was smooth. Not even a slight lip between the two substances.

I felt Kylo stand behind me. He placed his right hand on my waist while his left hand traveled down from my shoulder to my newly formed arm and hand.

He placed his hand over mine where the largest patch of metal was and tangled his fingers with my own, "I wanted something that represented you. Something natural with something new, like your new self." While he spoke, he lifted my arm and moved it side to side so that the light reflected off the metal pieces.

I gently removed my fingers from his so that I could lift the cylinder from the box. It was thinner's than Kylo's hilt, though it seemed like a perfect fit against my palm.

"It's made of the typical lightsaber metallic materials, though the wood is Brylark wood. It's just as strong as the metal. I believe only one lightsaber hilt is completely solid wood."

I was too speechless to reply. I was in awe of the weapon sitting in my palms. My weapon. Although, it felt as if something was missing.

"Usually an apprentice finds a Kyber crystal that calls to them when they are preparing to make their own lightsaber. I thought you could use your mother's crystal."

I placed my hand on my chest over my shirt, feeling the outline of the crystal. I took it out and looked at it's milky white color.

"Will the light be this color?"

"No", he replied, "You have to make it bleed in order for it to be red."


"You send the dark side of the force into it, causing the crystal to die and bleed. Or that is how the Supreme Leader explained it to me."

He motioned me to turn to face him, "This is something you should do alone when you're ready."

I nodded while still clutching both the crystal and the cylinder.

"For now though, I think we should begin your train-"

I didn't give him the chance to finish before I grabbed his neck to pull him to me. I kissed him as if he was my elixir; my life force. I kissed him my thank you.

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