Chapter 36 - The Truth

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The hologram lit up the room, showing scenes that felt as if I were there. The first image was of a strange looking planet. It was as if someone placed together thousands of ships and made it into a planet. The bottom of the image showed an unknown language, which then showed the language I understood.

Dravian Starport

I immediately remembered Percy. He was selling fabrics through Skypath industries. The next image was actually a moving picture like the surveillance videos. It showed a group of ten to fifteen stormtroopers walking together down what looked like an alleyway.

They seemed to make it to their destination, which showed a lone man carrying a cloth bag over his shoulders. He turned and was able to catch a glimpse of him. Although he had grown older and had a slight beard to him, I recognized Percy. His hair was still blonde and his eyes grey. He looked like Delmon in a way. What I didn't initially catch was the fear that was clearly shown in his eyes and facial features. I was thrilled that he was standing there in the hologram; as if he was here in the room with me.

I knew he was still alive. I knew it. I was smiling ear to ear when the Stormtroopers took aim and fired.

I stood stock still; mouth agape. No.

The scene showed a close-up of Percy's laser riddled body and the pool of blood that began to surround him.

It ended, causing the room to go dark, though the hologram was still running. My hands began to shake, and I felt sick, but the hologram showed another scene that made me pause. It showed a planet that wasn't recognizable, though I haven't seen very many in my time. Again, the unknown language showed up at the bottom, which was quickly translated.

My home planet.

I gripped onto the desk behind me for support. I watched as the next scene showed Stormtroopers running out of ships similar to the ones I saw during my first mission. They filed out and started running towards the town's center. Flashes of my own memories combined with the scene of Stormtroopers killing innocent men, women, and children caused me to drop to my knees.

I couldn't face what was coming, but I forced myself to watch. What I wasn't prepared for was the man I have grown to love making a presence in the moving picture. He was in his usual black robes and unmistakable helmet. He was pacing by a row of bodies and I heard him interrogate them, asking for a woman that was sensitive to the force. He wanted to know where they were hiding her.

Since nobody answered, he gave the signal and they were all killed. Masses of people slaughtered over this little information. Group after group came before him. They were asked the same questions, and since nobody had the answer, they were slaughtered. This continued until he gave orders to a Stormtrooper to carry on his work. Then, I saw him walking towards the ever familiar shop.

No, no, no, oh please no.

I couldn't hear anything anymore; it was like a ringing in my ears.

My father and brothers and their family were not killed by a blaster. They were stabbed by a lightsaber. A bright red cross-blade lightsaber. The video ended with a frozen image of Kylo Ren standing over the body of Zuke and his two small children.

I heard screaming, but it wasn't coming from the video. It was coming from me.


I collapsed into a fetal position. There was so much pain. So much hatred. So much feelings of betrayal. All this time, and yet it was a lie. I killed because of a lie. Anger gripped me like a vice that refused to let go. It clouded my vision and thoughts. The claws of my self hatred seeped deep into my soul. Everything was spinning yet staying still. Chaos was surrounding me, yet there was only silence.

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