Chapter 19 - Hideous Visions

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"Kylo", I whispered, "Do you see him?"

"See who?", his voice replied across from me. We were both sitting crossed-legged in the meditative position on the training room's mat.

"The man in the corner", I said, continuing to whisper.

"No, I don't see-", he stopped mid-sentence, I think he finally saw who I was looking at.

I was paralyzed with fear. The dark form with dark yellow eyes began to slowly walk towards me. The once shadowed body began to now take a more solid form.

Child. Come to me.

"Nymeria", Kylo said with urgency, "Close the connection."

Release your anger.

I felt myself being pulled towards him.

Yes child. Feel our power.

My physical body was still sitting on the mat, but my inner self started to pull away. My non-physical body was beginning to stand and walk towards the dark figure, who now had his hand sticking out, waiting for me to grab it.

Almost child.

Suddenly, I felt like I was slammed back into my body.

I was still sitting cross-legged when I opened my eyes. Kylo was on his knees in front of me with both hands on my temples. I felt like my nose was running and removing my hand from my nose I noticed blood. I looked at Kylo with confusion while his features showed fear.


"How long have you been seeing him?"


"Do not play coy with me", he said while sitting back down in front of me.

"I'm not", I said defensively while wiping my nose with my sleeve, "I don't know who that was or what he is. He started out as just a voice. He was the one who told me to push you into the weapons."

"When did he first appear to you?"

I had to think a moment, "It was after I destroyed my room. I was on the edge of falling into the darkness. It was actually right before you found me."

"You were conscious then?"

"Sort of. I remember feeling cool hands moving me to a more comfortable position. I just remember after that I saw a vision of my mother. Her lullaby was what brought me back; both times actually", my cheeks quickly turned red at what I just said.

"A lullaby?"

"Um, yes? He, um, the shadow figure, didn't show a physical form until after we voiced our theories about my force connection and my lineage. In the beginning I was able to push him with the force and he would disappear. Until these past few weeks has he been getting stronger", I looked at Kylo, who looked shocked.


"You've been keeping him at bay alone? Why didn't you tell me about him?"


"Because I thought you would be angry that I couldn't hold him off on my own."

"Nymeria, that presence, whoever he was, is strong. Almost as strong as the Supreme Leader. If you ever feel something like that again you come straight to me. Understand?"

I just nodded my head. He signaled that our training was over for the day and I began to clean the objects that were still in a circle. Once they were cleared I made a quick bow with my head towards Kylo and left the training room.

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