Chapter 21 - Changing Titles

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I turned to see who had interrupted my solo training. Standing in all his menacing glory was Kylo. I didn't know what to say or even do. So, I just continued to stand like a dumb ass with my mouth agape in the center of the room.

"How long have you been watching me?", I asked hesitantly.

"Long enough to see your improvement."

I put the lightsaber back onto the wall and closed down the program I was using by pressing a few keys on the control panel.

"You didn't think to tell me that you were going to be late?"

"Why? You are simply my apprentice", he remarked.

I slowly turned to face him directly, "Why? After the way you left me in the training room", I said while gesturing in that general direction, "You ask why I was worried."

My lack of sleep has caused me to be just slightly overdramatic, but I didn't care, "Not once did you bother contacting me. You could have even sent a simple hologram!"

I placed my hand over my face, took a deep breath, then looked back at him. He was still standing where I found him, not saying a word since my outburst.

"You responded to me, so I assume you're not a hallucination", I said. I walked over to him, just to make sure he was real. I poked his arm, which I found was solid and not made of shadows or mist. I looked up at him, wanting him to say something, but he remained silent.

"I'm going to bed, if you'll excuse me", I said while beginning to leave the room.


When I returned, I took a much needed shower, which helped wash away my tears. I just stood under the stream of water as the tears mixed. I took one more, deep sigh before I finished my evening routine. I learned to just grab my nightgown before taking a shower, so when I finally left the bathroom, I was ready for bed.

I wanted to finish reading a little before I went to bed, which I have found helps when I was having difficulty falling sleep. I was looking through which file I had stopped at yesterday when I heard someone clear their throat.

I instantly went into my defensive stance with the me automatically connecting to the force, but this was all unnecessary once I realized who it was. I lowered my arms and leaned against the desk, "Can I help you?"

Kylo was sitting in his usual chair with his head tilted to the side, "How did you not notice someone was in your room?"

"Because usually it's been someone I don't want to talk to."

"Has the figure been coming back? Why didn't you contact me?"

"You left me! What was I supposed to do? Call you crying that I couldn't protect myself?", my voice was quivering due to tears threatening to escape. I turned away to wipe the tears before they could fall. I heard him get up from the chair, but I remained standing next to the desk.

Kylo walked over so that he was standing in front of me. He took my right cheek and turned me so that I was looking at him. He observed my features while I just looked at his brown eyes.

"You look tired", he said while rubbing a thumb under my eye, catching a tear.

"I'm too afraid to sleep", I whispered, "But it doesn't matter. I'm more exhausted when I sleep then when I don't."

He pulled his eyebrows down in worry, "I'll stay tonight. Just sleep."

"I'll do my best", I said while trying to smirk. I left his slight embrace and went over to my bed. Before I rolled to my side I watched him sit back down on his chair.

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