Chapter 37 - Destruction

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"There is a control panel outside", I said while pointing to the map of the base from my tablet. "I know where it is", stated Finn with a boldness that I was quickly finding annoying. I was told earlier by Rey that Finn was the defective Stormtrooper from a few days ago.

I wanted to tell Rey about our blood relation, but I remained quite and enigmatic. I made a quick glare that could wilt a plant at the darker skinned male before stating, "Finn, Rey, and myself will go there and deactivate the shield. Han and Chewbacca, you know what to do."

The furry beast made an odd sound in agreement. "Alright kids let's get to it", said the older man.

Our two groups separated quickly and quietly. That man is unsentimental like his child.

I was lost in thought while I was followed by Finn and Rey to the door that would lead outside. If the plan went smoothly, then we would be able to detonate the explosives, causing them to destroy the oscillator's conduit, allowing for one of the pilots to fire at the now charged oscillator. This hopefully will cause a chain reaction of explosions that will ultimately destroy the base. And him.

We approached the door, which had a control panel to the side. I typed in the figures, causing a blast of freezing air to hit the three of us as the door opened. I didn't hesitate to trek outside; it felt like a lifetime since I felt a breeze through my hair. I turned left and began making my way to the panel that held the backup controls for the shield. It was quite genius having this 'oh shit' backup plan. The two behind me paused in their steps when they saw the red beam that was beginning to drain the star.

When they stopped ogling, they quickly stood at attention to stand watch. I could hear the two behind me shivering, though it seemed the cold did nothing to me. We made it to the panel quickly. I attached my tablet and began processing the deactivation codes. I don't understand how I knew what to do, but I just let myself go on autopilot. It was as if another force was urging me on, manipulating my limbs to do their biding while I just sat back and observed. I felt too numb from the anger to initiate physically. My subconscious called this shock while I called it a mild relief until it broke.

Deactivation complete read the screen. "Is it done?", asked Rey who was intermittently watching the draining star.


They turned to head back towards the door, but I felt the urge to not follow. It was as if the same force that was leading me was now pulling me away. I was stuck between following them to following the force. I was having this internal battle that felt like I was being torn in two. Follow them or follow Them.

Come to us child.

That voice. The one that kept haunting me, dragging me, tearing me apart. I clutched my curls while dropping to my knees into the cold, wet snow. I was trembling, but it wasn't from the chill. I heard Rey calling my name and Finn telling her to leave me.

Good, they need to leave before I hurt them.

I held my face in my hands. I don't know what to do, who to fight for. Why bother if everyone I've ever cared for has either died, lied, or betrayed me. Anger, sadness, grief, pity, guilt all piled inside of me. Burning me from the inside out. I wanted to die.

"Nym", a voice said beside me. It was Rey. I stood up and glared at her. She gasped, "Your eyes are yellow."

I moved my site to look up at the sky. The force was growing inside me and I felt as if I couldn't hold it in, so I stretched my arms out with my fists closed. I felt the force as if it was a pulsating, living thing. I grasped onto it easily. I molded it until I was now in control. When I opened my fists with my palms facing upward, the snow around Rey and I stopped falling. It was as if a dome was created around us.

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