Chapter 15 - Combat Training

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I felt something shaking on my forehead. Confused I opened my eyes and found that it was the watch attached to my wrist. This must be the alarm Kylo was talking about. Stretching, I got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom.

I was finished getting dressed and ready within ten minutes, which gave me time to walk to the training room. I was proud of myself, I only got lost twice. Finally reaching the doors to the room, I heard voices on the other side. I debated going in there but knew I would be in deep shit if I didn't. So, I sucked in a breath and hit the button to open the door.

Upon entering, I noticed four basic Stormtroopers and one that was in silver with a black cape across the left shoulder. I was about to apologize for interrupting when the silver trooper spoke.

"Officer Arcinia. You are late", the silver trooper said. The voice sounded oddly female.

"I, um, got lost."

Great start Nym

"That is no excuse. You are to report to this training room in a timely fashion from now on."

"I understand", sheesh.

"I am Captain Phasma, and I am here to assist you in learning the basics on operating the exercising machines", the trooper continued. She walked over to the equipment with me following after her.

I tested and tried each machine with difficulty, but I soon grew to understand the basics. I had just finished the last exercise mechanism when the silver Stormtrooper declared that I was ready to return to my room.

I could feel each and every muscle strain in complaint while I walked back to my room. I wanted to just collapse on my bed, but my hologram device that was sitting on my desk was blinking showing that I had a message. I turned it on, which showed Kylo Ren.

"Upon your return from training with Captain Phasma, you are to view and study the files that I have programed on your tablet. You will be tested on the subjects at another time. That is all", his hologram message said before disappearing.

Great, I guess I won't be getting that nap in. After eating my brunch, I woke the tablet up and began to work. I noticed that I could take notes using a pen that I could remove from the tablet. I highlighted and made notes on the topics I thought would be most important. My eyes were beginning to droop when I felt my watch begin to vibrate again. Time for my one-on-one training.

I hope it goes better than yesterday.

I only got lost once on the last turn, but I finally made it back to the training room where Kylo Ren was already waiting. He had his back facing me while his hands were clasped behind his back. Upon my entrance, he turned.

"We will continue your hand-to-hand combat skills."

I nodded my head, beginning to cross my arms to stretch them. He continued to stand there with his hands behind his back, watching me. I grew nervous but continued to stretch. I became distracted as I looked out the window while I was stretching; I didn't see the mass of black run towards me until it hit me in the side and pushed me to the ground.

The wind was knocked out of me. I looked like an aquatic creature gasping for breath on land while Kylo just stood up, "You are weak."

Once I was able to get my breath back I got up and glared at him. I got into my combat stance and faced him. He did the same while I advanced and took the first swing.

My training continued for the rest of the afternoon and into evening. I fought like my life was on the line, which at times I felt like it was. He allowed me one break, which was when he flipped me over his back and threw me onto mine. I just laid on the training mat, trying to get my breath again when he announced a break. I didn't move from that spot until we began again.

Over and over he hit me where I left my defenses weak. I was only able to hit him twice, both times were only little punches in the arm, but these little victories were what pushed me on during this session.

He hit me in the ribs, causing me to take multiple steps back in pain. "Are you sure you're an Arcinia? You're just too pathetic. How do you expect to defeat the Resistance?"

I yelled in anger as I came after him with everything I had, but I was getting tired. He easily defended himself and even pushed me away again.

I regained my balance and my combat stance. I don't care how tired I am, I will hit this ass hat one more time before this session is over with.

"Now I understand why your family hated you", the metallic voice proclaimed, "You are frail, inadequate, and powerless. Your foolishness is what killed your mother."

That last comment hit me right in the burning hatred I had stored within me. It bubbled and boiled over until it tore the band from my mind. The hatred I had for this poignant universe frothed from my very essence until it exploded. My world has been constantly shattered into millions of pieces that will never be put back together. I've had enough of others lighting an already burning flame that was my self loathing.

I wanted him to take back his insults. I wanted him to know that I am not weak or frail, or inadequate, or even powerless. I am strong and powerful, and he will not tell me otherwise.

Pusssssshhhhh himmmm, a voice whispered within me.

A dark energy began to surround me. I became so angry that I stuck my hand out and pushed Kylo Ren with the force into the rack of weapons.

The band snapped back, which caused me to collapse to my knees. If I felt fatigue before during the training, then I was exhausted after what just happened. I wanted to just fall asleep on the training mat, but I heard the sound of someone moving in front of me. I looked up and Kylo Ren was fuming.


I tried to scoot back away from him, but not before he stuck his hand out, causing a sensation of someone chocking me. I instinctively put my hands to my throat to tear the invisible hands away from my throat, but with no relief. I begged him with my eyes to release me, but he just continued to walk towards me with long strides.

He's going to kill me.

"You will never use the force on me! You are my apprentice and I am your master", the distorted voice was furious, and it didn't help that he didn't sound human, "I demand respect and that is what I will receive", he continued as I started to see spots. I didn't even notice my feet were not touching the ground.

He saw me losing consciousness, so he dropped me, allowing me to collapse onto the mat. I turned to my side, trying to push oxygen into my lungs. I couldn't stop the sob that escaped my throat. Tears were now slowly streaming down the side of my face and into my hair. I've heard about Stormtroopers disobeying orders. They were immediately killed or sacrificed. I had just thrown the commander of the First Order across the room. I was terrified to face him, but knew I had to.

I wiped the tears away and stood up to face my 'master'. I wiped another tear away while looking at him. I didn't glare like I would have, I just felt numb, which must have showed in my face.

"I apologize for my actions, I understand if extermination is a required process. I am ready."

He was obviously still mad based on the movement of his shoulders which showed he was still breathing quickly. But he must have been taken aback from my comment because his shoulders stopped their rhythmic motions for a brief second. He continued to stare at me while I clasped both of my shaking hands together in front of me and stared back.

"You may return to your room", he said as a single tear made another trail down my cheek. 

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