Chapter 33 - Twins

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"I'm leaving for a day, two at most", Kylo said from the bedroom while I was braiding my hair in the bathroom, "I want you to continue with your training, especially your meditation."

I finished tying off the end while I walked out of the bathroom, "Can I practice on Hux?"

"Not until you've mastered the art of deceit and he doesn't realize what you're doing."

I paused, looking at his back with a dumfounded look. He'd taken me seriously. Poor Hux.

"I'll see you when I return", he said before placing his helmet on.

"Just, please come back", I replied. He pulled on my braid before stating, "Always."


I continued with training that day like any other day. I practiced with the replicated lightsaber in the new scenario room, then lunch, studying, and back to the training room.

I meditated for a couple hours before I grew tired. I laid back on the mat to stretch, but instead of returning to my sitting position, I just stayed on my back with my arms and legs stretched out. I lightly connected with the force in an attempt to continue meditating, but instead I fell asleep.

I didn't feel as if I was asleep long, so I went to sit up to return to my room, but I froze. I wasn't in the training room.

I scrambled to my feet and instantly unholstered my lightsaber from its spot on my hip. I didn't ignite it yet but was ready to at any second. I glanced around the empty, barren desert. What the flying fuck?

I was standing in the middle of a fucking desert. I spun around, looking for something. Anything. Yet there was nothing in site, only sand. There was a strong wind, I could tell by the shifting sand, yet nothing on me moved. I didn't feel the heat of the sun nor the bite of the blowing sand in my face and eyes.

"Hello Nymeria", I voice said behind me. I whipped around and ignited the weapon. Standing before me was a faintly familiar male. He was tall with dark brown hair that was streaked with grey, which matched the color of his eyes. His beard was also streaked with grey. He was tan with dark circles under his grey eyes. But none of this caused a cold chill down my spine than the faint blue outline around his body.

He took a step near me. "Don't you dare move", I declared.

He stopped where he was and raised his eyebrow like a champ, "There is no need to be afraid."

"I am not afraid."

"Then put the weapon away."


He sighed, "You're just like your mother."

"You know nothing of my mother", I was seething now, "Who are you."

He rubbed his weathered face and ran a hand through his beard before saying, "You know me Nym. Maybe not from your memory, but from a memory I sent to you."

This comment caused me to faulter. It couldn't be, "Dain?"

"I'd prefer 'grandfather', but yes, my name is Dain."

"Holy shit", I whispered. I turned the lightsaber off and replaced it at my belt.

"You made it bleed", he said, looking disappointed and sad.

I didn't reply to this statement. I was too shocked that I was speaking with my mother's father. "What happened to you?"

"I was killed by a Sith Lord just prior to your birth."

Oh. I thought about this for a moment. Then it occurred to me, "What happened after Mara died?"

"I'll show you", he said. I hadn't realized he was close enough now that he was able to place his hand against my cheek. It felt like I was falling while I also felt like I was standing still. I had to close my eyes from feeling this vertigo.


"I swear the call was coming from this vicinity", said a cracked voice from under a brown cloak. It sounded feminine and odd. Like the person had an accent I couldn't place.

"Let's just continue on. It could be a trap of some sort", said a second, deeper voice with a similar accent. Both humans were wrapped in brown cloaks to protect them from the dry heat and sand.

"Here!", exclaimed the first voice. This one unwrapped the cloak, showing a female while the second voice showed a male. He squatted down and brushed off some sand, revealing a doorway and a latch. He opened it and peered down, seeing only darkness. He dug into his bag on his side and found a light, which he clipped onto his wrist before making his way down the ladder. The female followed his lead before closing the latch, leaving both of them in darkness.

When they landed they began to search the small, hidden compound. The male started in what seemed was the communication room while the female continued on down the hall.

The man was tinkering with one of the switches when he heard his partner gasp. He quickly found her kneeling next to a woman covered in blood.

"She's dead", said the woman. She stood up, eyeing the handprint on the wall. They both swept their lights throughout the room, finding nothing of importance. They were about to leave the compound when they heard a faint cry. The woman traced the cry back to the room with the body. She opened the compartment hidden within the wall, finding a newborn wrapped in a bloody towel.

"Oh my! Look at this. You poor thing."

"We can't care for it, and you know it", said the male, "We need to leave. Someone could be coming and that someone could be Darth Mal."

"I'm not leaving the poor thing."

"Fine, let's just get out of here", he said while feeling like someone was watching them. The couple left the small compound with the small addition. They trekked back through the desert and back to their own home.


I felt like I was pushed, causing me to land onto my ass. Dain was standing in front of me with what I would call a smirk. I stood up and unconsciously wiped the nonexistent sand from my hands onto my pants.

"Who were they?"

"Some scavengers on a desert planet. They were nobody, which is the point. They took my other child without my knowledge of her existence."

He looked away, as if he was fighting not to shed a tear. I felt drawn to him, as if I wanted to offer my comfort, but I held myself back.

"What happened to her?"

"They named her Aayla and she was your mother's identical twin. It was a shock when I found her, though at that point I was like I am now", he gestured to himself. He was speaking about the blue outline and the fact that he was dead. "Aayla only ever left the planet of Jakku once, though she did have a life there. She too was a scavenger, but she struggled to survive. This initiated her to take desperate measures, causing her to become pregnant."

Pregnant. I might still have someone living other than Percy.

Dain must have sensed my growing eagerness because he stated, "Yes, you have a cousin."

"Where-", Dain stopped me with a raised hand, "She is alive, though she will need protection. She, like you, are from the Arcinia line. You both need to protect each other."

"Is she sensitive?"

"Yes, and like you, she doesn't know."

I thought for a moment, thinking of my next question but I was interrupted, "You've spent enough time here. I will return you to yourself."

I was feeling the tug of consciousness, but I needed to know one more thing, "Who is she?"

"Her name is Rey."

*Fireworks explode in air* BOOM

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