Chapter 28 - Silver Against the Darkness

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The familiar darkness wrapped around me like a soft, cool ribbon. It was comforting, yet I was still aware of the dangers it could unleash. I let myself float within this darkness. There were no voices or sounds; just an empty vacuum of nothing. I wasn't afraid, angry, devastated, in pain or distraught. I was calm and at peace. It's been such a long time since I felt weightless enough to not have that burning flame of self hatred and the hatred of others burning in my chest.

I continued to float, which was the best description I have. Floating through darkness. There were occasional ribbons of soft silver that would pass me, but I didn't pay them any mind. They neither touched me or went through me. I was left at peace. I didn't know if this was death or if this was the same darkness from the last time when I heard my mother's lullaby.

I would have been floating for centuries, but I didn't care. I didn't see what I was wearing, or what my limbs were doing. I wasn't a body, but a mind. I couldn't feel, yet I felt everything around me. This didn't confuse me or scare me; I knew I was as safe as I would ever be.

Mayday, mayday. Please! Someone just pick up!, a man's voice echoed through the darkness.

A silver ribbon came into my view. It snaked through the darkness, quickly getting closer to me. I tried to move, but I was stuck in place by the darkness that was now slowly clinging onto me. The silver ribbon grew until it struck me in what I thought was my chest. It started to suffocate me until I was gasping for breath. The ribbon wrapped around my mind, invading my thoughts until I was dropped like a rock, falling through the darkness.


"Mayday, mayday! This is alpha-two-two-beta-one. I repeat; this is alpha-two-two-beta-one!"

The man wiped his brow to prevent the sweat from dripping into his eyes. He glanced at the doorway when he heard a moan from the other room. Fear was visible on his features. He turned back to the radio controls, "Please! Anyone! This is alpha-two-fucking-two-beta-one!"

He heard another moan, one that was worse than the others. This made him panic and run out of the small control room. He ran down the hall and turned into another doorway on the right. He found his wife with her shoulders hunched forward; one hand on the wall and the other on her lower back. She was panting as her pain slowly subsided.

She turned to glance at her husband, sweat dripping down her face, "The contractions are getting closer together."

The man went over to help the pregnant woman slip down the wall so that she was now sitting, "It can't be too long, let me check how much you're dilated."

She swatted his hand away, "Did you get a reply?", She knew the answer by the look in his grey eyes. She placed her hands on his soft brunette curls while tears began to slide down her cheek.

"How much longer do we have?"

"The report said within the hour", the man said. He received a hologram earlier that day from Bail Organa, stating that Darth Maul was arriving on their planet to kill Dain, the last living Arcinia.

She gripped onto his hand that she had previously swatted away, "You take this child – "

"No Mara! I'm taking you both."

Fear flashed across her hazel eyes, "Dain, you need to take it and run. Run before Darth Maul gets here and kills him or her."

They placed their foreheads together, their tears and sweat mixing before another contraction began to rip through the woman. She took hold of his hand again, "Promise me damnit!"

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