Chapter 1: Nostalgia

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A.N: Okay. So this is my first BakuDeku and first fanfic to publish so it probably won't be brilliant but, I hope you enjoy it. Criticism is welcomed if it isn't too harsh.
So, here we go!

Warning: There will be cursing in this chapter and probably every chapter.

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own BNHA. If I did, BakuDeku would be a thing already!

Izuku's P.O.V:
I'm not sure what happened exactly.

Maybe I was annoying. Or too clingy. It could have been anything really but, somewhere along the way my best friend started to hate me.
Hate is a very strong word but, Katsuki Bakugo is a very direct person and once he begins to hate you, you'll know. He doesn't subtly distance himself from you and he doesn't start to ignore you. Instead, he looks you straight in the eye and blasts you with his quirk.
Katsuki Bakugo hates weak things and a few years ago, I was undeniably weak.
But, now, I'm strong. I'm the holder of One For All and I am training under All Might himself. There's still a long way for me to go but, right now I'm no longer weak.
So, it doesn't make any sense why Kacchan still hates me.
I thought maybe he hated me because, I was quirkless but, even now that I'm at UA he despises me. Did I do something to offend him? Am I in the wrong? Or did Kacchan just change?

These questions repeat in a loop in my head and I'm certain of only two things:
1. Katsuki Bakugo hates me with his entire being.
2. I, Izuku Midoriya (a.k.a: Deku), miss Kacchan.
I'm not delusional, I know missing Kacchan is only inviting pain but, it's hard not to. He was my best friend. We used to search forests for villains, read mangas together and watch the news for any updates on All Might. Admittedly, Kacchan was always angry. He used to curse, scream, fight and he always called me Deku.
But, he also used to cry after he bet up the older kids who picked fights with him and called him a monster, laugh knowingly when All Might defeated another villain and despite his denials, he used to defend me from the other kids when they called me weird and annoying.
That's what I miss. The Kacchan who would stand in front of me protectively when a kid called me names. The Kacchan who, when I grazed my knee and started crying, called me useless but, then gave me a piggyback home while asking quietly: "Does it hurt?" The Kacchan who would, when I was afraid, ruffle my hair with his hand, grin brightly and tell me that "Everything will be fine. I'm here to protect you."
That Kacchan was my best friend. That Kacchan is the one I care for.

Now, he's different.
I thought maybe he was still the same guy underneath all his anger and insults but, there's not even a trace of the old Kacchan. Katsuki Bakugo is now a power hungry, vicious boy who has an amazingly powerful quirk and absolutely loathes me.

I lift my head off my desk in class and stare at Kacchan's back, placing my chin in the palm of my hand.
The muscles of his back are visible through his thin white shirt and I pout jealously. He's so strong. I think, eyes scouring over his broad shoulders. He'd probably be a perfect match for One For All without even having to try. His shoulders are tense, arms stiff on his desk and his entire body coiled as if at any moment he's about to explode. Even his ash blond hair is spiked out, almost viciously, around his head, one of his hands tugging at the ends. I glance quickly at his hand and then lower my gaze. I had enough experience with those hands when he used his quirk on me in middle school.
His quirk really is amazing though. The nitroglycerin substance secreted from the palms of his hands allows him to cause explosions. The substance mixes with his sweat and isn't harmful to his skin at all. Hmm....I wonder if the explosions take place on his hands or a few inches away from them? The skin on his palms may be immune to the explosions. I've never watched close enough to see. I'll have to study closer in his next fight. But why does the substance only gather at his palms? I wonder if he focused all his energy to flow throughout his body like I do with One For All, would he be able to produce nitroglycerin all over his body? That would be much more effective in—
"Midoriya!" I glance up at Aizawa and blink when I realise the entire class is watching me with slightly creeped-out expressions.
You were mumbling again, Urakaka mouths from across the room and I slap a hand over my mouth, turning to meet Aizawa's stern stare.
"S...Sorry, sir." I mumble bowing my head with a fierce blush. I have to try control that! I settle back in my seat and glance up only to freeze. I meet a pair of narrowed, scarlet irises that are gleaming with malice and I absentmindedly note that they are a warmer colour in my memories.
"Stupid, nerd!" Kacchan growls ferociously and I sink back in my chair in shame. "Be quiet in class and stop analysing my quirk, baka Deku!" His voice is lower and deeper than when he was a child and the hatred in it is almost a palpable thing that he spits at me, aggressively.
"I...I'm sorry Kacchan. I didn't mean to—" But he has already turned around and I clamp my mouth shut before I say something that angers him even more. I can never tell what will set him off. I could tell him the truth about my quirk and he'd throw a punch at me for being a "liar", I could tell him that I want to fight him because he's one of the strongest heroes my age and he'd blast my face off for underestimating him and I wouldn't even think of telling him how much I miss him.
He'd probably kill me!
That's how it went with Kacchan. He is much like his quirk; a build up of nitroglycerin that can explode at any minute and destroy everything around him. A ticking time bomb.
At least with his quirk you can tell when it's going to blow. It's usually when he's angry and there's this odd, sweet scent in the air like sulfur, that burns your nostrils. The air heats up so your skin tingles and your survival instincts set your nerves on fire. When it comes to Katsuki however, there's no warnings.
His expression is pretty much constantly set in an aggravated glare, so it's not like his face gives any hints to his honest fury. He just sort of goes off.
It could be in a split second – one minute he's growling and complaining like normal, the next BOOM!
Once he does you can't figure out why he's angry because, he doesn't bother talking anymore. He just screams and throws punches and slams his quirk into you at full force. It's abrupt and without warning, usually persevering for quite a while before he tires himself out. Like a kid, he needs to calm himself down after a tantrum. Well, as calm as possible for Kacchan.

Although, as a person who is repeatedly subjected to Kacchan's blow-ups, I've noticed a few possible signs of his inevitable rage.
There is a few seconds before he goes off, where he grits his teeth, clenches his fists, until his veins bulge – almost as if he's trying to hold back – and narrows his eyes to two glowing slits. It only lasts a few seconds though and if I were anyone else I'm sure I'd be able to calm him down before he went off but, I'm not.
No, I'm Deku, the one person he hates the most. Even more than Todoroki – or as Kacchan calls him "Half-and-Half Bastard" – which is saying a lot.
I hate that. Not him, no, I don't hate him. I hate how he treats me, I hate how he lets his pride overrule his morals and I hate how sometimes he doesn't meet my gaze, as if I'm not worth it but, I could never hate him.

Todoroki says it's because I'm stupid, Uraraka says it's because I'm too kind, Iida says it's because I have the morals of a true hero and All Might says it's because I can see the good in him.
But, I think that I......

I just want my friend back.

A.N: Just thought I should mention that this is going to be sort of backwards and will have mature content for plot purposes. I'll put a warning at the beginning of each chapter though.
Also it'll start off smutty and then the fluff will come.
There's a reason behind this, I swear!
Anyway, please comment to let me know if I'm doing a shitty job or a decent one.

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