Chapter 29: Senketsu - Origin pt. 1

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A.N: Okay everyone, I'm excited for this because it's revealing a lot of things, but don't worry there's more to come! This gives you a rough idea of Senketsu's life, but it doesn't explain everything.... Yet. 😏
Hope you enjoy and its written a little differently from my other chapters because this is Senketsu remembering key parts in her life.
Anyway here's the next chapter! 😘😘
There will be notes at the end of this chapter and please read them!!!!

At the age of five, I moved from Kyoto to Tokyo.

My mother and father figured being a hero in a big city would be much easier than in our small village and I, having no say in the decision, followed my parents without complaint.
At first, I despised Tokyo.
It was dirty and loud; polluted air taking place of the fresh countryside smell and a wave of unfamiliar, stoic people where my friendly neighbours used to be.
When my parents informed me of a baby brother on the way, I was practically drowning in sorrow. I'd never wanted a sibling, especially not a younger one and the thought of having to look after him, of her parents ignoring her for him, of growing up in Tokyo with him....
It was horrible.

One day, when my father was working and my mother was cooing sweetly to the bump in her belly, I fled.
The house had looked so small when I sprinted away from it and I hoped for my mother to come chasing after me, to ring my father and say it was an emergency.
But she didn't even notice I was gone.
After what felt like years of running, legs burning and chest aching, I collapsed in a heap in an alleyway. City lights bled into my vision from the left and the stench of garbage curled in my nostrils and for what felt like the millionth time, I cursed my parents for bringing me to Tokyo.
The evening sky was almost entirely blacked out by smoke when I looked up and suddenly it felt like there was no point. My parents, the world, everyone was against me and instead of fighting, I should just let myself be consumed by the darkness. Eyes falling shut and hope bleeding from me as if pouring from an open wound, a boy's voice called out to me, soft and hesitant.

"Hey? You alright?"

From the darkness, like a light, the boy's face appeared in fron of me and those deep black eyes - they weren't kind, weren't warm, but they were looking right at me.

This boy could see me.

~~~ 1 Month Later ~~~

I stood staring blankly at the window in the kitchen as droplets of rain raced each other, carving paths along the damp glass.

My mother and father argued behind me, my mother's voice high and nasally and my father's soft but thick with rage. Their mumbling continued, but over it blared the single word over and over again, like a thunderous foghorn calling out to sea.

"Its not your fault." My mother had muttered, tears in her eyes.

"Maybe it's because we got her tested to late." My father had sighed, face scrunched in pain.

My parents, both of them, had looked as if the world had been ripped out from under them, as if their hopes and dreams had been destroyed.

I, on the other hand, was perfectly calm as I traced the water droplets with my eyes and listened to that word repeating in a loop in my head.


~~~ 5 Years Later ~~~

In the late summer of my tenth year, Aizawa, my childhood friend explained his dreams of becoming a hero.
The words were a hushed whisper on a sunny day, a quiet murmur of utter joy, that made his eyes sparkle with determination and my own widen with longing.

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