Chapter 28: Disoriented

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A.N: Random Question: what's ur favourite type of coffee? Mine is probs black with no sugar or iced espresso.
Anyway here's a new chapter and plz check out my other Katsudeku fic "Villainous". It's a villain Deku x hero Bakugo fic!
By the way, this is a short chapter, but the next one will be really long, cuz shits about to get explained.
Thanks for all the support and I hope you enjoy! 😘

Izuku's P.O.V:
The darkness pressing around me begs for my mind to remain unresponsive and my body unmoving, but the faint ticking noise pulls me into consciousness.

Whether that is a good or bad thing, I'm not sure.

A throbbing pain pulses inside my head and I hiss through my clenched teeth. The sounds of waves crashing against the shore blares in my ears and I peel my eyes open, glancing to the side, mind sloshing about in my skull. My eyes fall to a clock on a nightstand and I finally recognise the  faint ticking noise that had woken me. Swallowing past my dry throat that tastes of old paper, I sit up, head thumping and stomach churning. Bed sheets slide off my body and I wipe my clammy forehead, taking in a deep, grounding breath. I run a shaky hand through my hair and turn to examine my surroundings, feeling disoriented.

I'm in a small, cramped apartment, with walls coloured a bleak, washed-out cream. The floor is wooden and scratched, stained messily to a dark oak. A kitchenette is pressed against the left wall and a couch and table is in the middle of the room. A dim, flickering light illuminates the room in a sickly pale colour and I stare at a few stains on the wall, hoping they're not blood.
Before I can spiral into a confusion-induced panic, my stomach growls loudly and a blurry figure in the kitchenette suddenly becomes clear.

"Hungry? Don't worry I'm making lasagne." Akira grins, throwing me a wink. "It's my specialty."
For a second I just stare and then jump back, kicking the sheets off my body and falling into a crouch on the bed.
Akira looks unphased by my sudden movement as he works away at the lasagne, sprinkling grated cheers ever the top. His hair is pulled back into a bun, a stray strand of dip-dyed blue hair falling into his pale face. His blue eyes are still bright and shockingly vibrant, tall lean body hunched over an oven.
"What am I doing here?! Where is here?" I demand, curling my hands into fists. This isn't good. I'm still a little dizzy and the exit is on the other side of the room, behind Akira. If I try and escape, he'll attack me. Swallowing past my tight throat, I blink a few times to clear my vision and glance around for any sort of weapon I can-
"Relax!" Akira brings over a dish of lasagne and places it on the lino counter of the kitchenette. He gestures me forward and I blink owlishly. "There's no need to freak out. I'm not trying to kill you or bring you to Haru." I relax slightly and step off the bed. "What are you trying to do?" I bite out, harsher than I expected. The image of him kissing Kacchan flashes in my mind and I twtich in irritation.
Akira, looking perfectly comfortable under my venomous glare, as he whips out a fork and digs into the lasagna, moaning lowly." So good. " He mumbles around a mouthful and I click my tongue in distaste. With a frown, he twirls to face me, brandishing his fork as if its a sword. "You know, most people would be a little more grateful to the person who saved their life."
"Saved my life?" I ask in confusion, moving to the counter slowly, lured by the warm smell of melted cheese and tomato sauce. "Yeah." He takes a seat and stuffs more lasagne in his mouth. "I didn't see all of it. I just showed up for the bit where you jumped out a window and like the gentleman I am, I stopped you before you could smash against the ground." My mouth goes dry, as I remember what happened, and fall into a seat by the counter. What did I do? How could I have done something so stupid? And Kacchan!
Oh God, Kacchan...
He'll be furious.
" Why were you at UA? " He slides a fork over to me and I pick it up, digging into the lasagne. "Eh, well..." Awkwardly scratching the back of his shaved head, he smiles wobbly and I notice a red tie wrapped around his wrist. It looks like one from the UA uniform. Before I can think further on that, he drops his hand and leans forward. "The truth is, I wanted to talk to you. That's why I brought you here."
"Where's here?"
"Its my apartment. Nice, right!?" I swallow the pasta and nod vaguely, forcing a smile. "Cozy."
"Yeah. Rent's pretty cheap too."
"S..." I blink in surprise at the surprisingly delicious lasagna that melts on my tongue and cough to cover my satisfied groan. "So, you wanted to talk to me?" He hums and he swallows down the last of his lasagna, before grinning. "Right. Oh and hey..." He looks, slightly bashful, when he speaks.

"About the whole kissing your boyfriend thing, we're cool right? I mean he's cute and all, but I found someone els-" I choke on the lasagne and pound a fist against my chest, spluttering loudly.

"B... Boyfriend?!" I choke out, cheeks flushing. "He... He's not my - Kacchan is my.... Well, he's my...." I run a hand over my face and sigh loudly.
"He's not my boyfriend."
"Really? That's so weird. When you came to interrogate me, I could have sworn you'd just fucked."
"F... Fuc-" I cut myself off with a wheezing gasp and jump to my feet slamming my hands down on the counter before me. "We didn't.... Er, actually we did.... two times now.... B... But, its n...not like that. You see..." I trail off, pushing Kacchan' searing kisses to the back of my head. "Kacchan is my very precious childhood friend. I could never... I shouldn't be doing t... those kind of things with him. Its wrong." Akira quirks a brow, blue eyes glimmering dangerously. "Oi, what kind of idiot are you?!" He snaps and I start, sinking in on myself." You care for this 'Kacchan' right? " I prickle at the use of Kacchan's nickname, but nod anyways.
"And its not like he's forcing you to have sex with him. You enjoy it quite a bit, don't you?"
Another nod, this one accompanied by a tomato red face and downcast eyes.
"So then don't rule out the possibility of you not being friends."
"B... But - "
"Shut up!" He glowers darkly and I snap my mouth shut with a click. "Calling something wrong just, because you don't understand it.... Stop it. It'll end up hurting more people than just yourself." Akira's eyes burn and then he suddenly blinks, the intensity in his features disappearing. "The point is, you could always be more than friends."
"More than friends...?"
"You know..." He gestures vaguely. "Fuck buddies, boyfriends, experimenting partners... Er...." He taps his chin and flashes me a feral grin.


My eyes widen and the word echoes in my mind. Kacchan and I.... as lovers? I.. It would be ridiculous! I'd be too self-conscious if I was placed next to Kacchan, not to mention the thought of us acting all lovey-dovey is absurd! I can't picture Kacchan smiling at me, let alone bringing me chocolates or roses.
M...Maybe, he would be an amazing boyfriend. He wouldn't open doors for me or cuddle with me, but he would show his affection the way he did hen we were young. Casually intertwining our fingers, rubbing soothing circles into my back when I'm nervous, carding his fingers through my hair with a gentle, almost nervous touch....
I sit down at the counter across from Akira, tucking a stray curl behind my ear and staring numbly at my scarred fingers that twiddle idly in my lap.
Having Kacchan as a lover...
It would be nice.

"I..." Mouth suddenly dry, I stuff it full of lasagna and meet Akira's gaze after swallowing. "You mentioned wanting to talk to me. What about?" Akira nods, ignoring my abrupt change of subject and straightening to his full height. "I wanted to show you something and explain a few things." I nod warily and he shuffles to a cupboard, rooting around in it, before pulling out a small framed picture and placing it on the counter.
I gawk at it, eyes wide and then pull it closer. A boy and a girl are huddled together in the picture, the boy smiling softly and the girl pressing a kiss to his cheek, red eyes glowing happily. I instantly recognise the boy, despite his smooth, shaven face and younger features.
The girl is distantly familiar, but I can't quite place who it is. Her charcoal hair hangs around her face and her skin is sun-kissed, freckles dotting her cheeks and nose.
Is that...?

"Shoto Aizawa and Haru Akiyama." Akira informs, voice even. "Although, you probably know her better as the villain Senketsu."

I stare blankly at the photo before me. This bright and cheerful girl is Senketsu? That's impossible. They're so different. This girl she's innocent and normal.
Senketsu...she's evil, completely insane. For the briefest of moments, I think of Aizawa's face when he first saw Senketsu; the sadness in his eyes.
At the time I hadn't realised, but now I see.
He was looking at her the way you look at a lost friend.

The way I look at Kacchan.

"I don't understand." I mutter, pushing the picture away. "This has nothing to do with me."
"Actually, this has everything to do with you."
"I don't know what you mean."
Akira relaxes in his seat, tugging at the UA tie wrapped around his wrist. His eyes are distant, as he speaks as if he's relaying a story he heard and not tearing apart my world.

"Alright, let me tell you a story." I tense, wondering why I feel like a cracked mirror on the verge of shattering.

"The story of an innocent girl who fell into darkness... "

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