Chapter 8: Shock

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A.N: Next chapter!!!! I'm really excited about this one. It's a little longer than usual but, I hope you enjoy!!!!

Todoroki's P.O.V:
Sitting in the cafeteria across from Iida and Uraraka, I find my gaze wandering to Bakugo. I nibble on my sandwich.

Midoriya is nowhere in sight but, Bakugo remains tense and fidgety, eyes darting to the exit before, he seems to realise what he is doing and looks away in anger.
My perception of Katsuki Bakugo has changed over the past week.
I once thought of him as a stubborn, prideful kid with anger issues who obsessively follows after his dream of becoming a hero. I assumed the only emotion he felt was anger and determination. It never dawned on me that Bakugo had other emotions. That he was not just an emotionally stunted child, but an actual human being with real, complicated emotions.
Nobody ever looks at the foul-mouthed bully of the class and wonder if they are struggling with something.
Now, I can see it though. I can see the uncertainty in his gaze, the confusion in his clenched jaw and the anger in his tensed form.
Of course, he's still angry and stiff and violent and horrible. Had I not seen him crying just last week, I would assume he is the same power-hungry bully I always thought him to be.
Its so strange.
Seeing him like that, with blurry eyes and tears streaming down his cheeks. He looked so vulnerable and the complete opposite of what he is now. I almost can't believe that the person I saw last week is the one right before my eyes, shouting aggressively at Kirishima while explosions ring out around him. Almost.
The thing that gives him away is Midoriya's entrance.

As soon as the green-eyed boy stumbles into the room, head hung low and form slightly hunched, Bakugo's eyes are on him.

He continues to yell and curse at Kirishima but, his eyes are fixated on Midoriya, scouring over his appearance, searching for the answer to the confusion in his eyes.
I can almost hear the question thundering loudly inside his mind:
What do you mean to me?
Midoriya sits down beside me and we exchange greetings as Bakugo's gaze flickers to mine and turns into a furious glare before he looks away. I keep my face blank, nothing showing the amusement I feel aside from the slightest twitch of my lips. "Deku, are you okay?" Uraraka asks and I turn my attention to the boy beside me who looks up with a grin that doesn't quite meet his eyes. " Y..Yeah, I'm fine. " His eyes dart to Kacchan, then Iida and he frowns before, shaking his head. I scan his expression and finally find the right word for the emotion clinging to him.
Guilt. I think with a firm nod. But why? Does he not feel the same as Bakugo? I study Midoriya and shake my head, remembering the hopeful expression he had when he met Bakugo's gaze in class. That's impossible. Then again, I can't be certain of what either of these two feel. They're not even sure of what they are to each other. Uraraka, Iida and Midoriya chatter on, Midoriya's input into the conversation slowly dwindling as time passes and as I take a sip from my strawberry milk, I make a decision.
"Bakugo seems different today."
The effect is immediate. Instantly, Midoriya snaps to attention, spine going as straight as a rod and eyes flickering to Bakugo and then pinning me to the spot with open curiosity and concern.
"Really? How so?" He asks and Uraraka glances back at Bakugo and then watches Midoriya's expression which is somehow lighter than it was before. She frowns and Iida gives her a subtle look that has me slowly realising what's going on with this group of friends. I take another sip from my strawberry milk. "It just seems like something happened." Midoriya tenses and I watch as he tries to formulate a response, gaze jumping to Bakugo unwillingly. "I....I guess, m..maybe....Do you, um....know anything?" I can see it then. It's so obvious in fact that I feel stupid for not seeing it earlier. It all makes sense now. The stolen glances, Midoriya's refusal to admit Bakugo is a bad person, the longing stares, the nicknames.......It all makes sense.
Midoriya still cares for Bakugo, in what way I'm not sure, but it's there, glimmering in his eyes.
I glance to Uraraka and Iida, wondering how they can't see it. "...No." I finally answer and as I stand from the table, I allow a smug smirk to curl my lips. "I don't know anything at all." The bell rings and everyone starts to leave as Midoriya watches me in confusion before slowly, shaking his head. " O....Okay. Um, let's go back to class. "

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