Chapter 20: Protective

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A.N: I wanted to choose an epic picture of Iida for this but, I found this and I couldn't resist! 😂😂
I hope you like this chapter. It was a little hard to get into Iida's character so, it might seem OC, sorry. It's shorter than usual as well.
Also please check out the Katsudeku story by Vatora. It's so good so far!!! Can't wait for the next update! Please vote and comment and thanks for all the support!!!!
Anyway, here's the next chapter!

Uraraka falls to the ground as the explosion rings in my ears and before Iida can catch her, her head smashes against the concrete and she slips into unconsciousness.

Iida's P.O.V:
From the moment, I first met Uraraka I knew for a fact that she was going to mean more to me than any one else in the world.

I am not one for epic soliloquys about the beauty of the one I love or romantic poems about the feelings bursting inside of me for her.
Of course, like any man, I can admire the extraordinary perfection of the one I love. Uraraka is a sweet, kind and caring person but, that is not what caught my attention.
No, it was the strength within her.

She is a swirling combination of short, hazel hair, toffee coloured eyes and bright, gorgeous smiles but, it is her strength; her willingness to fight even if she knows she'll lose, her eyes that burn with a passion to become a hero and her incredible quirk that she determinedly continues to improve– that's her true beauty. She can be vindictive and ditzy but, she can also be exceptionally smart and honest. Nothing about her is perfect and yet, I find myself staring at her as if she's the answer to all the questions of the universe.
What made the deep blue sky so beautiful?
What made the sun so fascinatingly bright and unable to look away from?
What made the Earth spin, and the moon orbit us, and the stars twinkle, and humans so perfectly flawed?
I know it's illogical. Uraraka is not the answer to such profound questions but, from the moment moment we met my mind and reasonable-thinking had been corrupted by her. The most important thing to me is order and yet somehow, I've accepted the chaotic mess of emotions inside me, because it's her.
The simple answer for all of my questions is because it's her.

However, I find myself unsatisfied with that simple answer because, how could those three words possibly convey the feelings I have for her?

So, I decided to use logic to tell her, to spill these disastrous emotions out of me.
My love for Uraraka could be explained by the bioluminescent waves of Vaadhoo Island, commonly known as The Sea of Stars.
My life had been like the sea; calm with the occasional wave that rippled across the surface before, smoothing out again. Everything was ordered. Everything was simple.
And then she came, like a cluster of microscopic marine algae called phytoplankton.
Bright and luminous, she swirls in the sea of my life like twinkling stars that irradiates each wave with her dazzling brilliance.
And just like that I was perfectly alright with the disruption in my calm and orderly life.

And just like that I was perfectly alright with the disruption in my calm and orderly life

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