Chapter 44: Reckless

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A.N: Sorry, it's late. I'm just swamped with homework. Even though we're in quarantine, is it just me or do we have even more work and assignments? And I got another chest infection! Honestly, I think I'm cursed... 😑
Thank you so much for all the kind comments and support! ALBQ will be reaching 100k views soon and holy fuck I can't believe it! Like how are so many people interested in my weeb-ish ramblings about KatsuDeku? 😂 Should I do something for when it hits 100k? Like a special chapter? A fanart of our gay bois? Lemme know ur suggestions!💕
Also new update schedule. I'll be updating ALBQ once every two weeks from now on. Sometimes I might update extra chapters, but not often.
Check the description of my other fics, to find out their new update schedule as well.
Finally, if any of you guys are fans of the Percy Jackson series and happen to ship Percico, please check out my newest fic, Sea of Stars! I'd really appreciate it! 💖

Note: Wtf, this unpublished itself??? Wattpad plz stop glitching, I don't want to move all my fics to AO3, that site is too complicated.

Aizawa's P.O.V:

My voice is firm, unwavering and smooth, almost merciless in its dismissal. It's not that I don't care, but there is too much at stake to follow the whims of every pupil at UA. Principal Nezu approved my decision.
I'm in the right.

Doesn't mean I'm any less cruel.

Todoroki bows his head, fingers trembling by his side. I lean against the nearest wall.
"Please Aizawa-sensei." His voice remains steady, even in such an emotional situation. A true hero in the making. "A quick recon even, just to scope out the area. I need to make sure he's-"
"You don't need to do anything. We'll make a move when I say. That's final." I run a hand through my hair, willing away Todoroki's understandable concern.
"He's been gone for two weeks." Todoroki states, completely deadpan. If it were anyone else, I would think they truly didn't care. "You said Akira was attending UA now. Our classmate. Your student. If it was someone from Class 1-A, you would've sent a team of Pro-heroes after them at the slightest sign of trouble."
"Todoroki-kun, it's not like that–"
"Is it because he was a villain?" I glance to the heroes walking by who throw us glances and whisper. Grabbing Todoroki's arm, I pull him into an alcove and sigh.
"It is precisely because Akira-kun is my student that I cannot make a move. As a teacher, I have the responsibility for the entirety of Class 1-A. If I rush off to check on Akira, I could alert Senketsu to our location. Endeavour - your father - was kind enough to lend us this hideout and we can't compromise it. The moment Senketsu gets wind of this place, we are all doomed, especially with Itsuki running around rampant." I throw my hands up in the air and shake my head.
"But we could send a team of Pro-heroes!" Todoroki exclaims, cool façade finally cracking. "A retrieval squad. Surely, that would be safe."
Frowning at the boy, I wonder if I was ever this enthusiastic and loyal. Perhaps long ago, but now seeing such behaviour through my own eyes, it seems so...childish. Rushing ahead, ignoring the repercussions, risking everything on a possibility.
When did that all fade away from my life?
When did I grow so...numb?
"Todoroki-kun..." I rub the back of my head, wincing. "There is no way to say this nicely. Look around." I gesture to the students whispering and the Pro-heroes glancing in our direction from across the room. "A villain spy disappearing isn't anyone's top priority."
Todoroki growls. "He's not a villain."
"For all we know," I continue. "Akira switched sides again."

We stare at each other and all at once, I see the emotion in my student's mismatched eyes:

"Out of everyone here, I assumed you wouldn't act like this." Todoroki stands to his full height and the air around us suffers a stark drop in temperature. Dust particles freeze between us and hit the floor like falling snow. "Considering how heroes mindlessly persecuting and blaming Senketsu in the past, is what caused the current rift between her and society. Your old friend, Haru, was forced into the role of a villain by assumptions and discrimination. And now? You're doing the exact same thing to Akira. He's not a bad guy, he even put himself at risk by choosing to be our double agent – all to prove that he was one of us. A hero." He clicks his tongue. "If being the good guy, means giving up on people like Akira, then maybe I should follow Midoriya and quit." I gape, mind drowning in my own guilt. I want to change his mind, to prove that he's wrong about heroes, about me, but words escape me.
He nods firmly, resolutely, and excuses himself.
"Where are you going?" I manage and he doesn't bother glancing back.
"To find Akira."
"The exit is sealed." I chase after him and he pauses, back stiff.
"My father, the great Endeavour who you are singing praises to, locked me in here a couple of times as a kid. No matter how much I cried or begged, he wouldn't let me out. Said I was too weak." I freeze and he looks back to meet my eyes.
"Just like Akira and Senketsu, I had to find a way to escape from a hero." He leaves, slipping into a corridor and disappearing from my sight.
I should follow, keep Todoroki inside where he's safe and leave Akira behind.
Instead, I turn around and wish my student luck.

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